
If I added a curved bridge to my guitar to use a violin bow would it still be a guitar?

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I have seen people (Ex: Jimmy Page) use a violin on their guitar. The only problem is that since the bridge is flat, they can only play chords. If I made the bridge curved would it change the sound ridiculously or would it still even be considered a guitar?




  1. why not just get a viola de gamba instead of wrecking a good guitar???

  2. when you add a curved bridge to a guitar, it will be guitloncello! it is a combination of guitar and violoncello "in french". you are a brave wise crazy player!

  3. The string height would also affect your pick ups too, so then you'll need to arch your pickups somehow, and then the question arises, that if you arch your bridge, the strings themselves will be pulling on the two screws holding the bridge down (if it's a Les Paul like Page used) at an INCREASED strength because of the added height and you would run the risk of premature failure of both the screws AND the neck. Basically, what I saying is, are the results gonna be worth the can of worms you're about to open?

  4. Yes...

  5. Yes... a guitar is a guitar!  I would highly suggest you take this to someone qualified.... like a Luthier to do this.  If you start altering the height of the bridge... you could be in for some very deep problems with intonation, sound, and probably more.

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