
If I adopt my husbands children, will they still receive ssi benefits?

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My husbands children receive death benefits. Will this stop if I adopt them?




  1. I believe it will depend on your income.

  2. no they will not receive these benefits because you are telling the court that you will be the responsible party

  3. they will stop because you are taking the legal responibility of taking care of them,

  4. lawyers are not always right either.. they are just people also

    ... you might also try calling SSA and see,

    I had a friend in college who was adopted at 16 by her parent's friends (her parents had died) and that was a really bad move, because she lost the death benifits and ended up paying for her own college,etc...

    but who know what the regs are now...

  5. i wouldn't listen to anyone here, this is something you need to get the advice from a lawyer on, especially if it will influence your decision to adopt them

  6. Yes, they will. Adoption does not affect SS survivors benefits for minor children

    ETA: Why all the thumbs down? I answered the question and provided  a direct source citation. Go look it up it clearly states benefits do not stop due to adoption

  7. Most likely he will still recieve the benifits. Oddly enough children that are adopted can sill recieve ssi disablity payments from thier birth parents after the parent surreneders their rights and the child is adopted. As long as they were recieving the benifits before the surrender/adoption.

    I would talk to the ss department.

  8. They would lose them, however, if you have an income already, and living in the house, you might lose them anyway.  It depends on whether or not it is SSI, which is income dependent, or SSA, which is social security survivor's benefits.  If you occassionally receive paperwork from social security where you have to verify income and show proof of all income, it is SSI, if not, you should be alright just living there.  Also, if this is a deal breaker to adopting the kids, because you couldn't afford to raise them, perhaps having a ceremony at your church (or even the park if you aren't religious), where you have like a fake "wedding", where you have a pretty ceremony, that you take each other in your hearts.  It's how you love that's important, not necessarily a piece of paper, however, make sure your husband does sign a document in his will, that if something happens to him, you would get custody of the kids.  Any attorney can do this, or you can get forms online.  Good luck!  Your fiance can always call 800-772-1213, and ask social security if getting married would affect the kid's benefits.

  9. ghetto

    if the reason you decide not to legally adopt children is about money - you just might be ghetto

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