
If I am 13 and I want to go to the olympics?

by Guest32770  |  earlier

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i am 13 and want to go to the olympics when i am older as a tennis player. I want to start to play tennis in a little bit. Am I to old to start training to get into the olympics?




  1. NO, you are not too old to start training!  Where did you get that idea?

    You don't have to be a teenager to compete. (Although certain countries seem to think the younger, the better)  There are several athletes there that are in their 30s and almost 40s.  Don't be discouraged.  If you really want it, go for it!

  2. prob not. Michael Phelps started swimming when he was 11 and look where he is now. Tennis and swimming are totally different but give it a try.

  3. depends

    if u practice a lot nd if u got skill

    den u mite

  4. You are old enough to try out for the USA Luge team at the Verizon Slider Search. The ages are 10-14!

  5. Well if im not wrong the minimum age to go to the olympics is 16 so at the 2012 Olympics im guessing you'll be old enough.You're are not to old, not at all the teenage years and your 20's are the best time to be an athlete, if your 13 and you're set on going to the Olympics you're going  to have to work very very hard , make a name for yourself ,go to tennis tournaments , and have a strict training regimen so you can keep getting better and staying fit , and if you work really hard and follow your dreams than you'll make it , =) good luck.

  6. if u have skill and you love to play the game it doesn't matter what anyone thinks if you are to old or to young!

    you are the one that makes it happen

    so if u work hard

    Maybe one day you will be on the platform!

  7. Nope.

    Start training.


    You need all the practice you can get.

    Who knows?

    You just might make it.

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