
If I am 25 weeks pregnant and have been drinking alcohol, will my baby be sick?

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My boyfriend left me, I lost my job, about to loose my apartment and do have 2 girls already and have no money to take medical exams..just applied for medical help but will take a month. Should I consider abortion if I feel it is going to be affected by FAS? I only have one more week for this decision. He is willing to pay for this, b/c he does not want the baby if it's going to be sick.




  1. How much have you been drinking?

    You can't have an abortion at 25 weeks!

    Before 14 at the latest. I am totally pro choice but you will not find anywhere except a backyeard job to do it at 25 weeks

    Do you have any family support? You need to apply for welfare and get help fast. you new baby needs the best possible start to life.


    You can afford the net, I don't mean to be rude but I don't understand how pople can drink while pregnant

  2. Well we cannot tell you what the right decision is.  How much have you been drinking?  And do you want this child?  Have you applied for medicaid, they usually don't take long and you can go to the doctor before you actually get approved for it and they will pay for it.  If you drink too much the baby could have many problems.  I would say just stop.  Think about that precious thing, and how its not their fault so they shouldn't be paying for it.  

    I personally don't believe in abortion, but i cannot stop you from your decision.  But this baby is almost ready to be born and i don't think its right to just "get rid" of it if you think there "could" be a problem.  Its your baby whether its sick or not.  Its a precious gift regardless of any disability.

    I understand that you are having a hard time.  I went through h**l and back when i was pregnant the first time.  But i always thought of her first, and as a mother that's what you should do also.  If you do not want the baby then that is your decision, but if you do you have to try to do what is best for that baby.

    O yea yrsingh73, you dont have to be married to be a great parent.  I am PROUDLY a mother of two and i am not married.  I live with the daddy of both, but a stupid piece of paper and a ring DO NOT make a person a good mother.

  3. Fetal alchol syndrome your baby will suffer but should survive partial birth abortion your baby will feel everything and please hun get some help ok and don't think about abortion.

    Read this link ok my friend lost her daughter and husband on saturday morning life is precious

  4. Wow ... I am stunned ...

    Never mind ... you don't get it do you?

  5. I really want to encourage you to go to any website and look at a 25 week old baby. (youtube has good ones)

    The baby is fully developed, it has fingerprints, and some even have hair. It is only the lungs that is not yet working. Even in primitive countries, a baby is viable from week 24, and there is documented babies that survived being born at 22 weeks in America.

    If you are having an abortion now, they will induce labour, and you will have to push the baby out. Your baby will be alive, probably weighing around 1pound, and will then be left to suffocate, as the lungs has not yet fully developed. (if this was not an abortion, the hospital will incubate (put a tube in your baby`s throat), to help him/her to breath, and he/she will be able to go home in a few weeks)

    I am not against abortion, but considering an abortion is considering murder at this time. If you wanted an a, you should have had it in the first few weeks.

    If your baby has FAS, it is one of the consequences you will have to live with, as this was your decision to make in the first place.

  6. Sadly, for you and for your baby, you have more than crossed the threshold of when it is unsafe to drink.  Infact you are almost in your 3rd trimester, which is when women are permitted to have their glass of wine once per week.  

    The most vulnerable time for your child is your first trimester, you are way past that, any damage that has occured from your drinking is already there.  

    The saddest thing about all of this is that at 25 weeks you have a viable baby that even if delivered naturally has a very good chance of success with today's medical technology.  It's even more sad that you had money for alcohol and you have money for an abortion, yet you couldn't muster the money for your own medical exams.  

    Get a life, you have two children already, and you probably just destroyed the life of a third, put the bottle down, get some help, and treat yourself, and your kids with some respect.

  7. this is a hard decision to make, but my advise is to just follow your heart because God won't steer you the wrong way.  Good luck with whatever you choose to do, and don't let other people influence your decision, because you are the one who has to live with it for the rest of your life.

  8. if you have no money to pay for anything why are you spending what you have one the one thing that can kill your baby and get your other kids taken away? GROW UP you need your other kids taken away

  9. Are you serious!!!! you're better off doing coke or heroin than drinking!!! Look up Fetal Alcohol Syndrome! Your baby could likely have deformities and developmental dissabilities! You really need to consider your options....

    ....good luck, you really need it....

  10. God this is an awful situation to be in.  Please please please don't abort this child just on the basis that it MIGHT be sick.  He clearly is a bit of a selfish b*****d who doesn't want the child either way.  Firstly you should be able to book in for a scan to see if everything is OK.  Although there are plenty of real horror stories about the effect of alcohol on an unborn child - many end up absolutely fine (think of all those drug addict mothers whose children are perfectly healthy).  Stop drinking now and book yourself in with a doctor.

    Worse case scenario and there is something wrong that they can't fix after birth you could consider adoption.

  11. Well you don't mention how MUCH alcohol you've been drinking.

    It's generally thought that 5 or more drinks on MORE than one occasion during pregnancy is what puts the baby at a high risk factor for problems.

    Either way, this is what I would do if I were in your situation:

    Find a babysitter for your two other kids and go to the emergency room of the closest hospital. Tell them you're approx. 25 weeks pregnant and experiencing cramping and spotting and fear for your child's life.

    In response to this, they'll set you up with someone who's experienced in OB medicine and probably order some sort of tests. While they're doing these tests, off-handedly explain that you've had alcohol. Be honest about how much you've had and when. While your there, hopefully they can test to see if anythings wrong now and give you a straightforward answer about your chances for FAS.

    The great thing about the emergency room is that they don't require payment up front, so you don't need any money to walk in and will be billed. Once your medical aide goes through, you might be able to send them the bill and ask if they can help you out with it, since it's pregnancy related.  

  12. Consider all options (Keeping, adoption and abortion).

    Consider the pros and cons of both.

    There is a possibility that your child could have fetal alcohol syndrome, or even worse. There's a chance the child could even die.

    I support a woman's right to choose (Regardless of what that is), 110%. If you feel abortion is right for you, go ahead. If you don't, go ahead.

    If you choose abortion, when and if you get pregnant again, refrain from drinking.

  13. Honey, you need to step up and be responsible, and low as you feel right now. I can't imagine that you could still have a termination at 25 weeks!! What you need to do is firstly stop drinking, and get yourself to some sort of clinic that helps women in these situations, and get some immediate counselling/advice on how to handle your situation. You need support and a strategy on what to do now. Don't put it off. That baby isn't going anywhere. You CAN turn your life around and take back control, but it starts with making that first step to the clinic for professional information and help.

    Best of luck. Please do it for your children. Address all the issues you mentioned.

  14. your soon to be child seems to have landed the two best parents in the world...a drinker and parents that aren't married

  15. This poor unborn child - he/she has a mother who doesn't think about the health of her baby and a father who is a complete jacka*s.  

    I don't believe in abortion except in rare instances.  You being an idiot does not qualify.  Since you obviously have no consideration for this baby or its health, I strongly urge you to look into adoption for him/her.  As for your two other children, who is taking care of them while you're drinking?

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