
If I am DUI and somebody jumps in front my moving car, gets hit and dies, am I still guilty of manslaughter?

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If I am DUI and somebody jumps in front my moving car, gets hit and dies, am I still guilty of manslaughter?




  1. You got that one right.

  2. Probably.  It depends in part on your state's law, how impaired you were, and whether your impairment reduced your ability to avoid the accident.  As a practical matter, if you were DUI, you'll probably not be able to convince a jury that your are not responsible for the other person's death.

  3. would probably be argued that if you were sobor, you might have been able to react in time. Even if the person was doing that to commit suicide. Unfortunatly, if the person did want to die, unless they left a note, you would be charged with it. If they did leave a note, then you would probably be safe from that, but you would still be busted for DUI.

  4. Yes.  

    Is it fair?  No

    Is it right?  No

    Will they crucify you because you were drinking and driving?  YES.

    Don't drink and drive.

  5. Vehicular Homicide.  I was recently in a deposition where the young guys back tire blew an dhe killed a biker.  He was drunk and spent one year in jail, it's a felony but he was able to make a plea.  Not sure how he made that plea considering he had 2 prior recent DUIs.  But basically he lost control and flipped the car.  being drunk nor sober would've made any difference as no one would've been able to stop a blow out at 65mph nad control that car.

  6. Depends on your state I suppose. If you're over the legal limit while driving and hit some one (even if they were trying to commit suicide) and they die, your guilty as h**l in New York (we just had such an instance in my area).

  7. Definately. The prosecution will argue that you were impaired, and had you not been drinking you could have stopped.

  8. Yes.  

  9. Yes.

  10. Of course.  

  11. It would be argued that if you hadn't been drinking, your reflexes & response time would have been sharp enough to enable you to stop in time.  They would also say that if you would have been sober, you would have had a better chance of noticing a person close enough to the road to cause a potential safety hazard.

    Bottom line...You would have to prove that your decision to drink & drive had nothing to do with you running over a pedestrain.

    The jails are full of people who didn't think they'd get caught.  I think you'd lose.

  12. Ahhhh .... Yes.

  13. The answer is.... "it depends."

    Some states require a causal connection between the intoxication and the collision.  That means that, if under the circumstances, had you been perfectly sober you still would have hit the pedestrian, then it is not manslaughter.

    But, I imagine that in most states, as long as you are drunk, and you hit someone and kill them, you are guilty of manslaughter.

  14. If you had not been drunk you could have reacted fast enough to avoid those people  that stand around waiting to hurl themselves in front of moving vehicles

  15. yes, even if your sober. you should be driving with enough alertness to stop. and if you have DUI then that's just another charge they can nail on you

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