
If I am a 13 year old girl and I got a 109 on my IQ test is that good?

by Guest60464  |  earlier

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I took the test on if that helps at all




  1. A 109 is slightly above average. Any good IQ test will have it age adjusted, so your falling into the top 50% easily. If anyone knows anything about normal distributions, the standard deviation is 15, with the mean being 100. This basically means people with iq's between 100-115 make up about 33% of the pop. Likewise, people with IQs between 85-100 make up 33% of the population. Generally speaking, your IQ puts you as average to above average.

    Average: 85 - 115

    Above average: 115 - 125

    Gifted Borderline Genius: 125 - 135

    Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 135 - 145

    Genius: 145 - 165

    High genius: 166 - 180

    Highest genius: 181 - 200

    Beyond being measurable genius: Over 200

    I would guess you to be in the top 72% maybe.

    EDIT: I took the test, and it seems to be fairly accurate. My true IQ is 144 and this test estimated 146.

  2. First of all, IQ tests aren't scored like tests in school.  I don't remember the range that they cover, but whoever gave the test should have that information.

    You ought to talk to the school counselor to have him or her explain the results to you.  A really good IQ test should actually give you a 'range' that your IQ falls into.  A counselor should have the knowledge and ability to interpret the results for you.

    If this test was not professionally given and scored I wouldn't put much faith in the score at all.  If it was given and scored properly, then those giving the scores should have information available in order to explain the scores.

  3. Don't go by that test I wouldn't think.

    I just took it and got a 124

    It seems really easy

    But I dunno, if someone who knows what they're talking about could either prove or disprove the validity of the site I'd be most grateful. Thanks yo.

  4. That's about what I got when I was 13, and I was disappointed because it was about average.  However, IQ doesn't really measure your level of intelligence... my IQ is average, but I'm still a Straight A student.

  5. I'm 14-years-old boy. i took the same test and got 130..don't really know if the test is correct but if you do want a certain result, take the official IQ test.

  6. Pshh, tried that site, YOUR A SPAMMER!.

  7. It's an average score, if the standard deviation of the test is 15 (you should check that out). 'Average' is somewhere between 90 and 110 points.

    But you shouldn't really worry about that, see reasons below:

    1. Most of the free IQ tests are worthless c**p, including those on the Internet / newspapers etc. They say it's a real IQ test, but you can only write a real one at a psychologist or in a Mensa entrance exam.

    2. It's important what kind of test you take. For example, if your verbal intelligence is stronger than your mathematical intelligence, you may not score very well on a special test, for example culture fair ones.

    3. Intelligence doesn't really matter. It's an interesting fact about you (and tests can be considered games of some sorts), but it won't tell if you're strong, emotional, creative, etc. Test are highly subjective, there's a good example for that: a Nobel Price winner tried to take the Mensa test, and he failed. Interesting, isn't it?

    EDIT: This test is not accurate at all, like any other IQ tests floating around in free space. Just drop it.

  8. i guess for a 13 year-old thats pretty good

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