
If I am a free willed being, than why did I not have the choice to be born or not?

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I'm a beliver in Jesus, but I wrestle with this one all the time, I did not choose to be in this wicked world, I didn't ask to be born. But here I am. I know that there is a God, and I am created in his image, a free will being, but if I am truelly free willed, I was never given the choice to be born or not. The race up the falopian tube doesn't qualify as a choice, that was part of creation. I'm talking about some one presenting me with an all choice to be born or not.




  1. You don't know whether you consented to be born or not because you don't remember where you were before you were conceived.

    But that's not the most important thing, when it comes to free will.  The important thing is whether you freely choose to be here now, exactly as you are, with the world exactly as it is.  That choice is the difference between suffering and joy, between a meaningless existence and a meaningful life.  And it's only when you accept things as they are that you can change them in a way that's not just on the surface.

  2. I'm an atheist but I strongly believe in free will.

    It seems to me that the question you ask is not about free will though but about powers which, according to your belief, only God has. Free will is about your actions, and more precisely about the choices you make in relation to these actions. Therefore free will is about doing, not being. Only God, due to his omnipotence, has the power to decide what is and what is not. Wishing to have this power for yourself could not be considered a mere crave for absolute free will, in my opinion, but quite a luciferic act.

    Free will, however, refers to Man's faculty to control his destiny within the limits (be they physical, social, psychological, etc.) of the world he's been born into. The more your reason can dominate your irrational side the higher your free will. Or, as Pythagoras has put it: “No man is free who cannot command himself.”

  3. How do you know you weren't given a choice- because you don't remember?- what if we make the choice before the fallopian tube race- if you believe in God- then you believe in more than the reality that you can see and touch with a soul that exists after this- why not before? Maybe it is impossible to exist in this world and experience all we need to and still remember all that happened before we became unconscious in these forms?

  4. AGGH!  Too...many...logical...fallacies.... like... Kryptonite... to Superman... these thoughts are... to thinkers!

    Hey, if you were free willed, why weren't you also given a shot at Eden?   Why's God punishing you for something ELSE you had no say in?  Who's to say that you would have eaten that "apple?"

    Think on that, you'll have the answer to both questions.

  5. Because before you were born, you were not a being, you had no say in what your dads sperm did to your moms egg.

  6. Hopefully, when you get a little older, this kind of self-absorbed mental masturbation won't keep putting you into a figure four leg lock.

  7. You have to be born in order to acquire a free will.  As an unborn being where is your free will, dose it exist????

  8. Maybe there are things that we're not meant to choose. We can't choose not to die, it seems reasonable that we can't decide not to live- which is why suicide is looked at as a sin.

  9. If this is truly a question that has weighed heavy on your mind.

    Then a Critical thinking class may help...

  10. Without experience, you cannot decide. Without discovering the world yourself, could you really make that decision?

  11. how do you know you weren’t, maybe stillbirths are caused by unborn choosing not to be, it's an awful thing to think, but it provides an answerer.

    i don’t have any theological background for this, but what if spirits are all floating around heaven (Abrahams bosom or wherever )and when God feels like it's a good time for that person with those strengths weaknesses to be born, he explains all the hardships of living, even the possibilities of rejecting God when your not in his physically presents constantly and ending in h**l, and you and your spirit agreed, so God looked all over the world for just the people to give you to, and wham, 9 months latter there’s you.

    also what if before the age of accountability you don't have full free will, and being born is just one of the decisions that are made for you.

    Now more interesting then these possible scenarios is wondering about fee will, if they don’t have it, then why would any God allow them to consider it, they would ether wrongly believe it with out question, or they would know they didn’t and not have to worry.  It really brings in to the question what is freedom, who said freedom is doing what ever you want whenever you want, that sound more like insanity to me?  What of God he has more freedoms then anything in existence,  but who said he chose to come in to existence, he always was,  try reading Willy P Young’s “”The shack”  and it answers a lot of the questions about God freedom and the like

  12. How do you know you had no choice?  You could have simply forgotten.

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