
If I am a vegetarian, is it ok to wear man-made leather?

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I have been a vegetarian for a while now, but whether or not it is ok to wear leather has been a challenging topic for me. I'm a vegetarian for both health and moral reasons, and I know it's very hypocritical to not eat animals but to wear it. But what about man-made leather? This probably sounds slightly strange (and maybe a little uneducated about vegetarianism) but I'm young and the only vegetarian in my family ---- I need some wiser vegetarians to help me out!!




  1. As long as you don't eat it...full of chemicals and toxins. tagger

  2. LOL!!!  Sweety, it's MAN MADE!! It never really came from an animal, it came from a man who put a bunch of synthetic fibers together and made it seem like leather.

  3. Well duh it man-made which means "animal wasn't killed!!!". And plus your just a vegetarian so it wouldn't matter.

  4. Vegans don't wear animal by-products, at all.  The reasoning behind vegetarians purchasing leather is that the animal was killed for meat, not the leather.  The vegan counter-argument is that the farmer is dead even, and the profit comes from selling the byproducts, such as leather.  So, the purchase of leather, in general, comes from the reason why you became veg in the first place.  

    As for man-made leather, do you just not want to propagate that you're wearing something that looks like leather, or that you believe that the man-made part means that the leather was not made by machines, but a tanner?  If it's the first, it's silly, because you shouldn't care what others think.  If you're worried about the second part, then you'd have to either call the manufacturer to be sure, ask, or abstain from the purchase.  I don't purchase leather because I don't like the look, don't find it any more durable than synthetic, and have not yet had an occasion of purchasing leather.  Save for tennis shoes.  I read somewhere that "genuine leather" really meant "genuine synthetic leather" and that the shoe manufacturer was lying about it being leather.  Afterall, your feet really can't breathe in leather, that's why your feet would stink in those types of shoes.  I have yet to hear from a credible source regarding that, so until then, the only leather I really have in my wardrobe is, well, shoes.

  5. I'm guessing by "man-made" you mean "pleather" which is fake leather, not made from an animal skin.  This is fine to wear if you are concerned about the abuse factor. Real leather and furs come from abused animals.  Also, if the fur or leather comes from "CHINA" chances are, it was made from dogs. There are no regulations governing fur farms in China—farmers can house and slaughter animals however they see fit—meaning miserable lives and excruciating deaths. China exports the fur and leather to the USA and when something says "faux fur" on it, it means dog or cat fur.  Check out the link in the "source" I pasted in.  Watch the video, and you decide.  Thank you for asking, that's how you learn!!  There are no "dumb" questions.  Good for you for being a vegetarian, I am too!! Good luck to you.

  6. Okay, now put on your thinking cap: why would it be wrong if it wasn't actually leather?

  7. Good. Be a role model to others.

  8. Nothing is morally wrong with wearing man-made leather, but wouldn't it be great if the whole fashion world forgot about leather altogether? wearing man-made leather, in theory, helps keep leather in fashion.

    By the way, I don't follow my own advice here, just a continuation of the thought.

  9. Yes, as long as you're not eating the leather.

    okay im not sure if that made sense? Nice people fake it.

  10. Leather, like meat is derived from the needless killing of an animal.  There are many synthetic replacements for leather.

  11. Well, I'm not a vegetarian, but it sounds like an ethical question to me.  Do you or don't you think it's okay? After all, it is man-made leather, so in no way was any animal harmed--but do you feel strongly enough about NOT wearing animal related clothing that it would be a problem.  Would people give you a hard time about it?

    It's totally your decision! I think it is a bit odd--but not necessarily hypocritical because it's man made. But I hope for your sake that it's something like a leather jacket we're talking about and not pants!

  12. Sweetie, even vegans wear "man made," fake leather. I'm a vegetarian and I have leather shoes. I look at it this way, the animal was not killed for its hide, it was killed for its meat. If there were no meat eaters I'd have to give up using leather.

    BTW: you can't get away from animal byproducts, your car is full of them, and even the raod you drive on is.

  13. Well If it came of an animal Isuppose that is very un-veggie like. But then again you arn`t eating it and it was made anywway. Nothing you can do to stop it now.

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