
If I am a vegetarian but feed my pup fresh meat. Does this make me a hypocrite?

by Guest31822  |  earlier

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My friends say it does but I am trying to be vegetarian now as an alternative diet and to be a bit more environmentally friendly and not for any other reason. Are they right?




  1. nope! and i second what fabulous indy said... other animals have different needs than people do.  while i don't like supporting the industry, i'm not going to let my pets health suffer.  your ok :)

  2. No more than being vegetarian and hanging out with people who eat meat. A dog's diet needs are different than ours. Your friend sounds like an idiot.

  3. No.  A dog's body is different from a human body; they need meat or meat products to be healthy.  (Feeding him dog food is no different ethically from feeding him fresh meat, because dog food contains meat.)  There's nothing wrong with it.

  4. No, but if your dog decided to be a vegetarian and ate meat, your dog would be a hypocrite.

    The scope of vegetarianism only covers your own diet.

    I'm an expert on hypocrisy and brown nosed puppetry.

  5. Your friend doesn't understand the meaning of the word 'hypocrisy'.

    You are not claiming to have higher standards than you in fact have, and you are not saying one thing and doing another.

    If you claimed to be vegetarian but secretly ate meat - hypocrisy. If you preached vegetarian diets for dogs, but fed yours meat - hypocrisy.

    As it is you are doing nothing hypocritical, and not pretending to be anything you're not.

    Many vegetarians and vegans who have dogs feed them meat. You can make choices about your diet, your dog can't make those choices

  6. For the love of god, don't turn your dog into a vegetarian. I implore you to not change the dogs diet and make the poor defensless animal suffer.

    Anyone who feeds a dog a vegetarian diet should be in prison.

  7. No, but if your dog decided to be a vegetarian and ate meat, your dog would be a hypocrite.

    The scope of vegetarianism only covers your own diet.

  8. No because we are omnivores so we can sctually decide wether we want to eat meat or not but a dog is a natural carnivore, yes they can eat vegetables at times, but only in a moderate pace. Green foods upset their stomach and make them throw up, if they have too many. Your dog needs meat to be healthy and live longer, without it your dog could lose most of the vitamins and minerals it needs, and could get very ill. And by the way they kinda like the taste of meat, so i doubt they would rather have a cabbage than a nice strip of bacon! You could try feeding him carrots they love the fact that they're crunchy.

  9. not at all....put simply dogs are carnivores, and whilst they will eat a more omnivore based diet its so not the best diet for them! tell your friends to look at your dogs teeth....there's no way those teeth are not made for the eating of meat...and if they still call you a hypocrite tell them to take a closer look then tell your dog to kill :P

  10. not at all...

    we love our pups and want the best for them!

    my pup loves a good salad though - really he does!!

  11. No, Pooh Bear, you are not a hypocrite.

    A lot of vegetarians feed their dogs meat.

    I don't feed my pet meat. He has a strict VEGAN diet because...he's a bunny! :)x

  12. not at all!!! just because you are a vegetarian doesn't mean your pets have to be.  plenty of vegetarians and even vegans will feed their dogs meat. some don't....but it's certainly not a requirement.  animals have different needs than humans do when it comes to nutrition, and you should only switch your dog's diet with the help of a veterinarian.  

    i'm a vegetarian and my dogs are omnivores....just because i made a choice for myself doesn't mean i have to make it for them, too.

  13. technically yes.  switch to birds wich dont eat meat.

  14. No, but if your dog decided to be a vegetarian and ate meat, your dog would be a hypocrite.

    The scope of vegetarianism only covers your own diet.

    I'm an expert on hypocrisy.

  15. No not at all.

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