
If I am a white american girl traveling to india what do I need to learn about the caste system there and how?

by Guest59760  |  earlier

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and websites to read? any advise? I am going to West Bengal if that helps any.




  1. im from there so just dont listen to merchants or saleman,sometimes they will assualt you.And more importantly just dont mention caste or you will probably get injured.By the way when talking English be careful there are a few theives.

  2. they will try to deflower y ou!

  3. you should to contact to an Indian travel agency.

    they will assist and guide you properly, I would recommend a travel company

    I have used the travel service from this company in my india trip.

    Best of luck

  4. Please check following links:

  5. The caste system continues to be a strong force, especially in rural India. In many Indian villages, for example, one's caste influences what food one cooks or what sari one wears (the garment worn primarily by women in southern Asia made up of several yards of lightweight cloth). The dalits or "untouchables" are people of traditionally poor households who may be peasants, laborers, or servants (and their ancestors as well). Up to this day, many dalits are forced into menial and undesired occupations, such as cleaning restrooms, sweeping streets, and disposing of the dead—all considered "unclean" by orthodox Hindus. In the urban areas, the caste system is less obvious, though it is still defended by many as a way to uphold social order. In recent years, the government has taken serious measures to stamp out such age-old discriminatory practices. It has, for example, enacted affirmative action measures that recognize that some groups in society, such as the dalits, have been left far behind and have suffered on account of the practice and custom of caste differentiation.

  6. If you are thinking of also going to Goa, India..... you don't have to worry. Goa has had the European influence for about 450 years so you will find it quite different from most parts of India.

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