
If I am an illegal immigrant and my child is not, can I get deported?

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I am asking this question for a friend and she has been in the U.S for a long time but the person who was suppost to finish sponsoring her died and I am concerned that... can U.S immigration deport her if her minor child is a U.S citizen and she is not?




  1. Yes she can be deported, the child's citizenship plays no part in it.

  2. My cousin went through something like this. Email me and I'll give you more info

  3. yes u could

  4. yes can still be deported, unfortunately.

  5. yes it can, it doesn't matter if she has a douther, they don't care about that!!


  6. First, any negative responses need to realize the reality this country is in and how many individuals are caught up in the stupidity of immigration law, sometimes by no fault of their own.  In this case, it sounds like someone was indeed trying to do the right thing when the sponsor died.

    To answer the question, yes, your friend can be deported.  However, since she has a minor citizen child, it is far less likely that she would be deported.  If she has a history of crime or other factors that would make her inadmissible to begin with, that could hurt.

    If the child is a citizen and she is deported, the child would go with the mother to the country she is being deported to, and when the child reaches the age of 18 they could return to the United States if they want, or they could return if the mother gets a visa in the future.

  7. My advice: Tell her to go back to her country of origin and apply to enter the US legally-If she's caught by immigration she has little chance of returning legally for many years.

  8. Hey

    You have to ask your friend how far along was she in the application process before her husband died. I know of a great lawyer that helps the Latino Community he answers questions free of charge. You have to watch the SABADO GIGANTE SHOW they give out his number their. The show comes on Saturdays around 8:00 on UNIVISION. In my state it is channel 15 for Nevada. If you cant catch the number I will try to watch the Show then you can Email me so I can give it to you.

    I know what she is going through

  9. what law says that, if you are married to a citizen, you will not be deported? I am in that same situation. I am a U.S. solider trying to help my wife with her paperwork because of the death of her father.

  10. Yes, however, it all depends on the individual case. Your friend will undergo the Removal Proceedings and will have a chance to stand trial before an Immigration Judge. The judge is usually a very just person and will listen to her story. If she's been longer in the States than 10 yrs. and can prove it, she can be eligible for the Cancelletion of Removal and will probably win the case if her story's good enough. In this case, she would get her green card within 6 months.

  11. as a social worker in the latin community where I live , she could be deported IF she is arrested for committing a crime, Lets Hope McCaine and Obama will keep their promises to the latin community and declare amnesty.

  12. The child is a citizen of the us if the child was born here. The friend however can be deported if she is caught.  Getting married does not make the person a automatic citizen I wish it was that simple but its not.

  13. Of course, she can be deported.  She is an illegal alien.  She would be given the choice of taking her anchor baby with her.

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