
If I am going to breastfeed..?

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I was just wondering....What kinds of things will I need to buy before the baby comes to be able to breastfeed?

I'm not stupid - This is just my first baby. lol ;]

Thanks in advance.




  1. Breast pads (but you'll need those even if you don't nurse)

    Breast pump, if you want. (I hardy used mine).

    Please turn that "if" into "when"!!!  =)

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy!!

    I breast fed for 7 months and I loved it. It was the most emotional connection you can have with your child..

    You will defo need nipple cream because I wont lie the first 2 weeks are the hardest it is very painfull , But I promise itsfine after that.

    You will need breast pads stop any leakage!

    An electronic breats pump is a must to. They are expensive but sooo worth the money (plus you will be saving not having to buy baby milk) And you can have a rest, let some1 else feed baba!!

    Good luck and enjoy Im sure you will..

  3. get breast pads!! my b***s leak like crazy! especially at night.  

  4. You don't really need anything. I liked having soothies breast pads, nursing pads for leaks, and lansinoh nursing cream. It was helpful to have a breast pump on hand as well but not everyone needs one early on. Some people like to have a nursing pillow like a boppy although I didn't really use it.

  5. this is my first baby and i am in the same boat but i did take a breastfeeding class from a lactation consultant so i have gotten a few things together.

    breast pads, either disposable or washable ones (i have some of both)

    nursing bras (which should be bought at 36 weeks of gestation or afterward)

    at some point you'll likely need a pump and bottles depending on going back to work etc. i have chosen a pump with my lactation consultant and we also talked about bottle choices. they say it is best to use a bottle who's nipple most closely resembles your own.  it wasn't something i had really ever thought of before but if you look at bottle nipples they are all pretty different. i have very short nipples which most bottles are NOT so it was a little difficult to find the ones that i needed in the stores and ended up buying them online.

    oh, and a boppy. and i will NOT be bringing any formula home from the hospital in the free gift bag they give you because i think that temptation is what derails a lot of good intentioned breastfeeding moms.

    that's about it!

    good luck!

  6. Buy some lansinoh now and apply a bit to your nipples for a few weeks before your due helps to condition them and then continue to apply after every feeding to prevent cracks and drying.  It's like a miracle!  

    You need a boppy or some kind of support pillow and lots of burp cloths.  

    A comfortable nursing bra or tank and some nursing pads for leaks.

    You should probably have a couple bottles/nipples and formula as a back up incase you have difficulties and need to supplement (often the hospital will provide this) and a pump if you plan to express your milk and save it for feedings away from you.

    Really though, you just need patience and a good attitude...sometimes it's not so easy but if you keep persevering you and your baby will learn together.  

    A comfy chair is nice to have to and a soft light so you can see at night without blinding baby.  

    Good luck!

  7. The first thing I would get is a boppy pillow and a Breast pump, the Medela Swing pump worked great for me. But the most important thing to have for nursing is patience!! Good Luck, it's the best thing in the world

  8. Breast pads for sure! If you're going to buy some new tops stay away from dark colours, people will see any leaks from miles away!

    I really found that nursing bras were helpful too. I have a few friends who didn't use them, but it's so much easier to unclip descretely, than have your boob all smushed up when you lift your bra.

    You could buy a breast pump, but for me it was a huge waste of money, I didn't need it, and my son breastfed to the 2 year mark and self weaned.

    For anyone who comments on why I'd breastfeed a toddler - The American Academy of Pediatrics, WHO, and Canadian Association of Pediatricians all recommend it!  

  9. I intend to breastfeed, but since I know many girls who had good intentions and never made it, I'm not buying everything just yet... I'll wait and see if breastfeeding works for me (and my baby)

    I want to buy a breast pump but since it's expensive, I'll wait and make sure I really will breastfeed. I already bought a breast-feeding pillow.

    You'll need a breastfeeding bra and pads too.

    That's mostly it, I think.

  10. Breast pump, breast pad for not showing leaking on your clothes, get breast latch lotion after you breastfed because it's will make your nipples dry and crack it will hurt! the lotion it's will help you smooth, not get crack skin.

  11. Nursing bras!

    Motherhood has awesome nursing sports bras for $15. They are comfy and you don't need pads with them since they absorb leaks.


    Nursing pads.

    Breast pump.

    Ask the hospital for one, they usually give hand pumps out for free ($15 value,but handy). You can rent from the hospital or buy an electric. Hospital pharmacies sell them much cheaper than stores, plus tax free Mine was 350 at BabiesRUs and 200 at the Hosp. Pharm.

    Pumps are totally optional. The only time I ever used mine was when I donated milk to the NICU.

    Nursing shirts.

    If you're shy, you'll want them. If yo don't care about old people giving you mean looks, then you wont need them. You'll probably get those looks either way anyways.

    Nursing nightgowns for the hospital.

    A cute little onsie for the baby that says something cute like:

    Milk Junkie

    I Eat at Mom's

    Boob Man

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