
If I am happy and I know it and my face will surely show it why do i have to clap my hands?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I think you are bored with your life and not very happy at all. So, these mundane sayings are playing in your mind. Find a new hobby or go get an advanced degree.

  2. So blind people know you're happy? Or... Anyone else not looking at your face? =P

  3. You don't HAVE to do anything.

  4. Because in the version I know it is, "if you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it" so people don't know you are happy unless you give them a sign and clap.

  5. I will kiss you and love you forever darling always.

  6. so everyone who isn't within looking distance of you will know you are happy too.  

  7. You clap your hands and I will stomp my feet and we will be happy together.Stomp Stomp

  8. If you don't, you'll ruin the song & you won't be happy anymore!

  9. Just so we know you are happy.  CLAP CLAP CLAP = )  

  10. LOL you have to clap your hands and stomp your feet and shout Hooray. Or just shout Whoooo Hoooo.  ha ha ha. Love ya sweetie so glad you are that happy. xx oo xx oo Sug

  11. Who's got the clap? *clap*

    Who's got the clap? *clap*

  12. Because "anything worth doing,

    is worth doing well !"

  13. You don't have to hun cos you have put me in a good mood. I will do it for you.

    Clap clap.  

  14. my thoughts exactly,but society has asked us to do this,it is a requirement to show happiness,approval,love,and appreciation,for the persons husband claps very hard,and I would just sit and smile,then my daughter would say mom are you happy , and I would say yes,so to show my daughter I am happy my husband would take my hand and clap them,and this action makes me very angry,cause I think I am showing I am happy with my face and smile,to them this is not me it even though we would love to keep our hands on our lap's society is asking us to clap ...I still don't do it much,sometimes I do...  

  15. NAH - You don't hafta!!!! I WILL BE HONORED!!!  

  16. Because you arent jumping so clapping is the next best thing

  17. i'll clap for you.

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