
If I am in a committed relationship but not married, can we adopt?

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If I am in a committed relationship but not married, can we adopt?




  1. to my understanding it depends on the agency because i know g*y and single people can ... so i do not think it would be a problem ... just need to find the right agency/organizations

  2. good question

  3. I totally agree with Sunny. Adopting a child is not a puppy. Unless you're committed for life, I don't see why you'd want to put a child through the possibility of you breaking up. If one of you adopted as a single parent, I think you'd have a lot better chances. The question is, is that person willing to raise the child alone?

  4. It depends on the laws where you live. Where I live, common law spouses (including same s*x) can legally adopt. Single people can too.

  5. Cripes, if you can't commit to eachother legally, what makes you think you can commit to an adopted child?

  6. you should check the laws where you live they maybe conserende about you two breaking up and fighting over the child.

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