
If I am moving to Guatemala, will I be able to find a job?

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We are planning on moving to Guatemala next year. Will I be able to find a good job down there? If so, where are the best places?




  1. it will depend upon your studies and abilities... but first let me ask you what kind of job would you like?

    You can sure teach English at private schools or work at call centers but as I told you it will depend upon those basis

  2. You could probably find a job parking rusted out chevy's on peoples front lawns.

    Going rate.


  3. I hear there is a high demand for dirt farmers.


  4. Doubtful unless you are teaching english or do some type of tourism type of work. its a poor country and jobs are few.

  5. Probably not. Guatemala is one of the poorer countries in Central America.Well over half of the population lives on LESS than $5.00 US a day. Although Guatemala currently has a fairly low unemployment rate it is misleading because the overwhelming majority of the open jobs are in agriculture, where the average wage is not only seasonal but very low

    $2.00 US a day or less.

    You will not be allowed to work (legally) in Guatemala on a tourist visa.If you are caught working on a tourist visa you can be fined,jailed and/or expelled from the country for life.

    There are,of course specific exceptions and you can find them easily if you research the immigration and naturalization policies of the country.Lastly,beware of any  people who will offer to help you to circumvent the law for a 'fee'.

    I also have many friends from the US and Canada who live  throughout Latin America who have found several creative ways to work and support themselves quietly without drawing the unwanted attention of the local authorities.

    Buena Suerte!!

  6. I think its better for you to find a job now before movin to GT. Most companies cannot sponsor your working visas, if ever you may need one. There are a handful of Call Centers there and some need English speakers. But generally, its hard to find one right now in GT. That's why they are the second largest group of immigrants in the US. Sadly, the truth is life is hard in many of our "hermano's" own countries.

  7. They have some call centers in the city. I dont know if they pay good.

  8. omg i LOVEEEEEE guatemala! i travelled all over about 10 years ago.  tikal and panajachel were my favorites.  i don't know about jobs though...



  10. well first you should go to guatemala and find jobs before moving there or else life would be hard

    the best places Antigua,Tikal

  11. Hi!

    I'm from Guatemala, and that is one of the reasons I tried to come here illegal but didn't make it. Eventually I got married and was a resident now am a citizen! (Thank God) But I don't  think you'd find a well paid salary in Guatemala, because it's awfully poor. There aren't many opportunity's. And most of the times they pay you your money monthly. So it's up to you if you want to go for it. But if your in America you should stay you could make up to 20 X's More money than you'll ever make there.

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