If I am named as my sisters guardian and something happens to my mom, Does that mean I have no choice but to separate her from her step dad.
He has a past that is questionable, but I KNOW he is the only dad she knows and is a good dad.
Her biological father lives in the same town and sees her 1 X a year. He used to be ingaged to my sister when my mom get pregnant by him. He accused our step dad of sexually abusing her and she had physical signs of abuse. MY Step dad passed a polygraph and moved out while he leared his name.
My sister was refused contact with her first dad and her physical symptoms went away. She would also cry she would have to go with him. He is a drug user with 2 other kid (who are 2m apart from eachother).
My mom wants me to have legal custody of her if something happens, she's having surgery friday. She wants to make sure my sister can stay with our step dad if she wants and will never get in the hands of her first dad.