
If I am on my parents' insurance...are they financially responsible for my medical bills?

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I am 23 years old but my parents pay for my health insurance (we are on a family plan). My parents always say they will pay for my medical bills, but lately I've been wondering if my mom really is paying them or just letting them add up. My parents are the main holders of the insurance, so if the bills go unpaid...does it look bad on my name? In otherwords, WHO is financially responsible? If I don't pay, is there anything my mom can do? I just don't want bad credit and not know it!

Thanks in advance!




  1. At first,you may collect some infomation by inputing the relevant keywords in search engine,if you getgood luck there,then your problem is solved.nevertheless,if you could not find the ideal answer for your question by doing that,here is the resource i suggest.

  2. Once you turn 18, you're responsible for the expenses you incur.  When you go to the doctor's office, they have signs there, and agreements you need to sign, stating that you're going to be responsible for anything not covered by insurance.

  3. Unless your parents are signing the forms at the doctors' office claiming responsibility then you are responsible.

  4. You are twenty-three and don't want to pay your own bills?  How long are you going to let mommy and daddy support you?  Gee whiz.

  5. YOU are ultimately responsible, but if your are covered by a plan, the plan will be responsible for whatever benefits the plan calls for. Any excess has to be paid by someone, and you are the only one someone could legally come after for payment. Your parents didn't incur the expense. You did. If they're paying anyway, thank them.

  6. Its all you. It doesn't matter if its her insurance. You are an adult, & are therefore, responsible for your own debt. If it goes to a credit agency, it will be reported under you.

  7. You aren't a kid anymore, you know - you are WAY past being a minor.  You are responsible for any bills the insurance doesn't pay.

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