
If I am on my period is it okay to have s*x?

by Guest57864  |  earlier

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I have been with my boyfriend for a little while now and we are to the point that we might be having s*x in the very near future. Unfortunately I am starting my period very soon, should I tell him I am on my period so we can wait till I am off of it or will it be ok? Also, if I bleed from my period during s*x i dont want to be embassered. So what is the best thing to do?




  1. Tell him that you're on your period, it may put him off.  But if you both decide to have s*x during your period then that's just fine - it's just a little messy, but s*x is generally messy anyway, everyone is leaking bodily fluids everywhere! Just remember to use protection as you can still get pregnant from s*x during your period.  You may want to lie on a towel or something to protect the sheets etc.

  2. Have s*x when you're ready.

    If you're concerned about having s*x when you have your period, then don't do it.  Being intimate with a man you care about isn't about him relieving himself inside you; it's about both of you being close and satisfied with your sexual relationship.  Both of you will be more comfortable sharing this experience your first time together if you don't have to worry about bleeding.  If he's all hot to go whether you'd like to or not, ask yourself if you want to be with a person who is so selfish he can't wait another week.

  3. The only way to have a good relationship with someone is to communicate openly. Which means you need to tell him that you expect your period. Then you two could discuss whether or not to have s*x during or to wait.

    If you don't tell him you are on your period, he will be unpleasantly surprised!

    Some people choose to have s*x during their periods, but it is up to you both to decide. I choose not to because of the mess, and because I'm in a ridiculous amount of pain from cramps.

    No matter what, please use a condom!

  4. I'd wait till you're 100% comfy with yourself & after your period.

    And wear a condom!  

  5. don't have s*x while on you period you still can get peganat with a period.

    because thing is to get birth control and condoms with speracide.

    go to this site for help

  6. Period s*x is really messy, alot of cleaning up and blood, not very nice!!!

    wait until afterwards! and use a condom! omg PLEASE USE A CONDOM

    sorry put it of until then, spend the rest of the time fantasising about it and think up of techniques you could try

    good luck

  7. Just tell him you are on your period and so when you bleed during s*x (and you will since you are on your period) he wont be surprised.

    If he is okay with that, lay a towel down and make sure to use a condom (use one anyway).

    Even having s*x in the shower would be okay since you could easily wash up.  

  8. definatly wait untill ur done with ur period. thats gross, eww.

  9. you'd be surprised how many guys dont mind havin s*x when youre on your period

    i was in this situation last night actually

    i just let my man know that i just got my period and it sucks because we were really in the mood

    (its a new relationship so i wasnt sure if hed be okay with it)

    he just said well i dont care if you dont

    so it was fine

    if hes mature he wont care

    have a stinkin shower after if its such a big deal.. its a bit of blood it comes right off

    anyways, good luck and dont forget protection!

  10. Definitely wait and then when you are off of your period...wait again until you are older. If you are going to have s*x, at least use protection and get on some birth control. You can get pregnant even your first time having s*x.

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