
If I am ovulating on my own evry month but have 35-37 day cycles will the dr.?

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put me on chlomid even though i ovulate on my own?My leutal phase is good 12 days from ovulation whether my cycleis 35 or 37. Me and my dh are going to see the dr. and if his sperm are ok and im ovulating i was wondering if they will still prescribe meds? We have been ttc going on our 11 month and have been using our CBFM for 4 mos and bbt charting for 2 mos. Also I am overweight BMI 32 5'4'' and about 190. I do not feel huge or anything but could that affect fertility or would that just affect my ovulation?




  1. If I were you I would try to lose at least 40 lbs.  Even if it doesn't help your fertility a whole lot it will help you have an easier pregnancy.  Normally though a larger woman has more issues hormonally in achieving and sustaining a pregnancy though.  Start exercising, eating less meat and more vegetables, ect.  This will also help your body get nutritionally ready for a pregnancy.

    Edit: and getting in shape now can help you slim back down once the baby is born.

  2. Being overweight definitely affects your fertility.  You need to be trying to lose weight.  Our doctor recommended Weight-Watchers.

    If you're already ovulating, then you don't want clomid.  Clomid has the negative side effect of drying up your cervical mucus making it MORE DIFFICULT to become pregnant with the clomid than without it.  A study about this was recently published in the news and found that women that that unexplained infertility taking clomid were LESS LIKELY to get pregnant than women with unexplained infertility that were NOT taking claimed.  So you really only want to use that drug if YOUR fertility situation calls for it.

    A 12 day luteal phase should be fine... and it's supposed to be the same month after month (usually not varying by more than a day).

    Give things another month and then get an appointment with a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist.  If your fertility situation calls for drugs... these are the doctors you want to tell you which one.

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