
If I am receiving foodstamps based on my income, what happens during maturnity leave?

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I am currently receiving foodstamps, based on my income.. about $140 a month.. What happens once I go on maturnity leave? I know they let you just have them without working for your initial 6 weeks post partum but I happen to be taking a 12 week leave. Will I stop receiving foodstamps because my income has stopped? I really dont understand how it works, and they dont ever explain it well to me. Anyone with any answers would help me a lot. But please no answers beating me down about how people shouldnt be on foodstamps and there taking your tax money, I go to college and live on my own while working nights, and am a first time mother.




  1. Income increases (example: better paying job) food stamps go down.  Income goes down (like taking ur leave) food stamps go up.

    The more you make the less help with food you will get.

    The less you make the more  help you get.

  2. Woah.

    You need to get a better job. Go get educated.  

  3. If your income goes down, amount of foodstamps goes up if you report it to your caseworker. You'll qualify for WIC program also when the baby is born.

  4. They will not stop your food stamps. Unless you have to have a re certification appointment within that 12 weeks, they will remain at the same rate. If you have a recert appointment, I do not think they will take any amount away and will base it on your income prior to leaving work. So, most likely it will remain at the same rate or go up temporarily.

    Being pregnant, you already qualify for WIC if you do not already have it. They help with cereal, eggs, milk, formula and other things. The only problem for a working mother on this program is that you have to go every 3 months and you may need to miss work. But it really helps and you already qualify if you are receiving food stamps.

    Good luck with school and congrats on your baby.

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