
If I am recieving adoption assistance, can I still go back and ask for a daycare allowance of some sort?

by Guest63750  |  earlier

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I am in California and recieving 425 a month for my adopted foster child but I NEED DAYCARE for her. It is so expensive. By adopting her and her brother, we now have 5 kids and I have to go back to work!




  1. I don't know about California, but in Florida part of my monthly check was to help with the cost of daycare.  there was no extra provision for that.

  2. So did I and I have 5 too.  I don't know about the State of Calif. but you can get day care assistance in IL based on your income, from the State, so look into it!  Good luck I'am walking in your shoes too and I'am a great-grandmother that adopted my new born grandsons after I was their foster mother for a year and a half.  I was already their sister and brother's legal gaurdian, so when the twins were abandoned in the hospital there was only one thing I felt I had to do , and they are the joy of my life, but at the age of 61, grandma had to go back to work because the subsidized adoption check only goes so far!!  I know some people seem to think we are doing this for the money, but they really haven't a clue about all our ups and downs and ins and outs, " I know YOU know what I mean.

  3. It would be highly unlikely youd get it it.You can alwase ask for for it but that day care cost is supposed to come out of your adoptions assestnce.When you come up for renuail is a good time to request this.Be prepared to show where every dime of your assestance goes so you can show a need for an increase.Call your worker and ask her to help you. Its her job to ade you,This issue shuld have been addresses before the adoption took place.Does you child have a attorny?If so they can assest you in this process as well.

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