
If I am referred by my family doctor, will insurance cover a chiropractor?

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If I am referred by my family doctor, will insurance cover a chiropractor?




  1. If your insurance has your family doctor listed on your insurance as your primary care physician, then a referal from him to the chiropractor will be covered, but he may have to get pre approval from the insurance to give you the referal.  Just ask him what you need to do and if he can help because he is the one that the insurance company has put in charge of your primary care, meaning they trust that if he sends you to another dortor there is a reason for it and they generally will pay for those other doctors.

  2. it should

  3. It depends on your specific insurance policy.  The devil is in the details, as always.

  4. depends my insurance covers 6 visits a year for the chiropractor call and ask them

  5. It depends on the insurance company and the policy in place.  You need to ask the insurance company.  In many states chiropractor visits are required to be covered but ask first.

  6. depends on your insurance some do not cover chiropractors call your insurance company to make sure

  7. Always check first to see if chiropractic care is covered by your insurance. Just because your doctor refers you doesn't mean your healths ins. has to cover... & it can get expensive.

  8. Call your insurance company and ask whether chiropractic services are covered.

    Ask if you need a referral from your primary care physician.

    Ask what percentage of the eligible charges are paid by the plan and what percentage you have to pay.

    Ask if there is a limit to how many times you can see the chiropractor in a year or if there is an annual limit on how much the plan will pay per year.

    Also, it is a good idea to have a copy of your health insurance policy and get familiar with it so you can verify what you are told by the insurance company's representative. If you don't have a copy of the policy, ask for one from your HR representative.

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