
If I am trainig a Guinea Pig to get used to human should I leave her alone, or get another one?

by Guest62884  |  earlier

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She is about 5 weeks old and I take her out of her large inside cage every day.

Should I get another one or will she be ok?

The cage is large.

Im trying to get her used to humans.




  1. If she is acclamated to her new home, then it's a good idea to handle her everyday to get her used to human touch.  Don't however, hold her and squeeze her if she is very resistant.  Guinea pigs in general don't like the feeling of being lifted up, so it's best to get in an enclosure and let her walk around you.  Have some fresh fruit or veggies and hand feed her.  Then gently work on picking her up and putting her in your lap.

    Guinea pigs are social creatures.  She will look forward to interaction with you, in time.  I ended up getting 2 piggies knowing that they are social and I wouldn't have time to play with them for hours everyday, but still worked with them so they are used to being handled.

  2. It is not ture that guinea pig will bond with the other pig more than you! That is only true with birds!! I have 2 guniea pigs I love very much and they love me and each other to! I say get your pig a friend! He/She will be much happier and more relaxed if she is out of the cage with her guinea pig friend! Good luck with your pig, it always takes a little while to get a baby pig used to humans!=)

  3. Guineas are social animals, so yes she would probably be happier with a cage mate. Before getting another pig, take your little one to the vet to be sure she is healthy and really is a she. You will need to get a pig of the same s*x or you will risk breeding (not something you want to risk -- your pig could die during birth). Also, if you can adopt the second piggy instead of going to a pet store, please do. In any case, animals of the same s*x and age tend to work out better as cage mates. Just be sure they are both getting plenty of floor and lap time and that your cage really is large enough for two animals.

  4. My guinea pig was like that before the best thing to do is take it out of the cage and pet it or feed it treats but in your lap for a little bit. That way the guinea pig will know that you won't hurt it but you are trying to take care of it! It might be better to get a smaller cage till it gets bigger that way it will be more special when the guinea pig is let out!

  5. Please get her another female guinea pig as a companion.  Like others have posted, guinea pigs are highly social animals and will be much happier in the company of other piggies.  She and her friend will get used to humans as long as they are regularly and gently handled by humans.  Food bribes work wonders, too.

    Also, please make sure you get the proper cage and read up on guinea pigs if you are new at this.  For example, many new owners make the mistake of buying rabbit cages for guinea pigs, when guinea pig cages should have a solid floor instead of a wired floor.  (Their feet can get hurt otherwise.)

    Good luck with your piggy!

  6. it would be best, guinea pigs are very social animals,and don't do well with out a look out, most guinea pigs like company because they don't have to be so alert all the time, it would make it easy er to help your piggy learn, that will not harm him, just hold him an hour every day, and its cage mate(make sure they are same s*x, please)take them out side in a play pen or something so they can graze and you can have easy access to them and pet them while they graze, make sure you give them a slice of orange or buy vitamins to put in there water, lots of 1st time owners don't know that if they don't get vitamin c they will surly die....also they should have a fresh supplies of timothy hay...hope this info helped

  7. don't get her a friend. If she has another guinea pig she will depend more on it for company where as right now she just has you :)

  8. If you want you can get her a friend. But you should still play with it everyday out of its cage untill you're forsure it's handtrained.

  9. Guinea Pigs are social animals they will get sad and they can die from sadness.  Girl pigs are easier to find friends for, but the mess and cost will increase, so if decide to do that make sure that you can keep up with that responsibility. If you plan to hold her daily and play with her she will be fine. But if your going out and won't be able to love on her yes she will need a friend.  I would get her another female (or you'll have babies) and soon, after 6 months to a year it will be more difficult due to territorial problems. Good Luck!

  10. u should get another one to keep her warm and give her company or she might get depressed. u will still have to handle her every day of coarse (cause she might turn ferrel on u) even though its got someone to hang with.

  11. Well if ur seeing if she likes humans dont get another one????? cause u want it to get to know u.... so just u get in a cage to and talk to her/him.... :o)))

  12. too words                                 handle her

  13. She needs a friend as guinea pigs are herd animals and need company of their own kind.  Contrary to the myth it will not affect the way she bonds with human.  It is cruel to keep guinea pigs alone.  

    It would be easiest to introduce her to another female baby.  Clean her cage out before putting the new one one in so it doesn;t smell like her territory.

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