
If I am using an unsecured public wireless network, but connected to a VPN, is my information secure?

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Is the information transmitted / received secure because it is through a VPN?




  1. Your information to the VPN network *is* secure.  What you have to watch for is that most VPNs use split routing which means that if you are accessing a network or subnet within the VPN configured nets, then the traffic will go through the VPN and be secured.  If, however, you access a non VPN server such as google, yahoo, or any other public web site, then your information is typically routed through the public network and *not* secured by the VPN.  Of course any security sensitive site will be https which provides it's own end-point encryption separate (or in addition) to the VPN.  

  2. That's what a VPN is for.  You can make it even more secure, though, but the VPN would have to be configured for that.

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