
If I am watching a fight, can I be arrested for just watching it?

by  |  earlier

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i'm just curious because i've heard yes and no. i'm not planning on watching one i'm just wondering.




  1. Yes you can if the person is defenseless and you do nothing to help you are just as guilty dont you have better things to do?

  2. No..

  3. No, but if someone gets murdered and you didn't help to prevent it, possibly. Or the police can hold you as a witness to an assault and battery.

  4. If you're in a law enforcement or EMS capacity---you likely won't be arrested unless the fight turns fatal.  You will however be charged with malfeasance and likely face job termination.

    If you are a civillian, it's best to let the police handle the situation.  But here's the rub: If it's clearly evident the fight may turn deadly ( one or both fighters weild dangerous weapons ) and you stand around to watch someone die---THEN you might face felony manslaughter charges.

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