
If I asked you not to look, would you?

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If I asked you not to look, would you?




  1. yes

  2. I usually duck and run for cover in my house.I can't tell you how many nuts and bolts being scratched and "re-arranged" because of not listening.

  3. of course

  4. No, because you'd probally will steal my last pink doughnut

  5. no

  6. Of course, I wouldn't Homer.

  7. Haha .. I'd take that as an open invitation. I know .. I'm terrible. :P

  8. Yea.

  9. probably

  10. What did you ask me to not look at?

  11. No -- so much for Pandora and that little box of hers.

  12. yea. ))))':

  13. no

  14. of course i would ,that's an invitation ,isn't it ?

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