
If I attend a CFL game could I meet the players after the game? Do you know if they always go to a bar?

by  |  earlier

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Cause I would like to meet some of my favorite players, so that I can get some advice on how to get into the CFL. I want to play very badly.




  1. I believe its mandatory for CFL players to go to bars after their games....strip clubs or bars.  They also must get really wasted or they can get fined by the league.  Good luck buddy!

    and yeah, its definately every young mans dream to play in the CFL!

  2. Your best shot may be after practices.  Most teams have at least some practices open to the public, and your best chance may be to catch the players leaving the stadium.

  3. The best thing about the CFL is the accessibility of the players.  These guys don't make the big bucks and are very much ordinary Joes like you and I.  I'm a long time fan and have attended 10 of the past 11 Grey Cup games across this great country.  It is unbelievable the number of players you can run into during Grey Cup week, attending various functions, out enjoying the festivities, or just walking down the street.  I've yet to meet a player that wasn't more than willing to take a minute to talk or sign an autograph for a fan.  I've had conversations with Dave Ridgeway, David Archer, Lui Passaglia, Darren Flutie, Matt Dunigan, Adrion Smith.   In Hamilton in '98, we watched Doug Flutie run into a corner store to pick up some breath mints on the way to the player awards, waving as he jumped into his limo.  I met Danny MacManus the night before he played the game in Vancouver walking down Robson St. with a bag of french fries.  Meeting a er....very happy.....Lui Passaglia on a fan bus after midnight leaving a bash in Regina was a story in itself, but I'll save that for another time.

    Bottom line is these guys have day jobs just like you and me and are very approachable.  I can't tell you where they might turn up, but as long as you're not overbearing, they are more than willing to meet you and talk football.

  4. Man if you a couple hundred dollars and a big backyard you could buy your own CFL team. The best way is to wait outside the front gates, near the visiting teams bus, after the game. Once they've showered and stuff they'll head straight for you.

  5. Depends on the team.  Here, in Toronto, they are always advertising a chance to meet players and cheerleaders after the game at a local pub.  All things considered, I would see this as something most teams in this league might do.

  6. I would assume some do, where, who knows.  Check out the Canadian Junior Football League or CIAU.  These are well travelled routes to the CFL.

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