
If I baby dance cycle days 11-18 should I be covered?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 27-29 day cycle,

and my period just arrived this morning.

So this cycle, if I have s*x every other day starting cycle days 11 through 18, generally, will I be covered, ovulation wise?

I don't have very good egg white cervical mucus so that usually isn't an indication of when I'm ovulating.




  1. I'd say every other day is a good way to get the ball rolling.. LOL

  2. this is something my fertility specialist told me(most expensive & world renowned docter)he said if u r trying to conceive then u should have s*x starting on the 8th day of ur cycle & every alternate day from there till u conceive.for example ur periods just came today on 4th aug,so u should have s*x on 11th aug then on 13 & so on.this way no matter when u ovulate u will conceive because u have covered all bases.remember to do it on alternate days only & never everyday becz that would lower the sperm quantity & quality both.sperms can live in ur body for more then 3 days so by this method no matter when u ovulate but whenever u do the sperm will be present.there is also no hassles of using ovulation kits or trying to count fertile days as well.all the best & lots of baby dust to u.

  3. yes that'll def. keep you covered regardless of the cm...

    some women use preseed or veggie oil as a lubricant, you can also ask a doctor online for free for more advice and find other women trying to conceive as well, try

    good luck!!

  4. I personally would go with between days 10-20 just to cover your bases.  Every other day should give you better odds!

    Good Luck, I hope your wait is a short one

  5. Try going cycle day 10 through 20 to cover your bases even more.  Also use OPKs starting day 12 through 16 just to get an idea if / when do you ovulate.

    Good luck.

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