
If I babysit for a friend and get paid by the state....

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could I tax deduct my groceries, diapers, toys/educational things? I am getting paid and it would be my job. I live in IL and I am NOT licensed. Thank you in advance!




  1. I would say in general you can deduct anything that you use for your childcare business.  That can include a certain amount of square footage in your home that you designate as your "childcare area," a certain amount of some utility bills, as well as anything you purchase for use by the child(ren) you are caring for such as food, diapers and toys.  

    You should talk to a CPA in your area to know what the exact laws and specifications are for the State of Illinois.  And with something like this, it is better, in my opinion, to use a CPA for taxes rather than to do them yourself.  The laws can be tricky, and if you mess up once, the IRS will likely keep a closer eye on you forever.  

  2. where in illinois do you live? i also live in not sure though! thats a good  question b/c i will be babysitting also!!

    call project child and ask them!

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