
If I be a slave can I marry my mistress?

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If yes how can I tell her that I love her?

(I'm single now)




  1. No. It's forbidden  

  2. now would any self respecting misstress mary her slave?

  3. Didn't you ask this question earlier? If you love her then ask her. Stop p***y footing around.

  4. I didn't know slaves still existed in the 21st century

  5. There is nothing that says your wife cannot also be your Mistress. If you are already close enough to get married, then pop the question. Otherwise, let her know what your preferences and values are, up front. Lay the cards out, and see what she does.

    And ignore the nay-sayers who tell you it can't or should not be done. I married my slave just this year, and couldn't be happier. The traditional vows were ready-made for us, and she actually giggled a bit when the Justice of the Peace said the word "obey."

    If he only knew...    *lol*

  6. Yes & No.  If you're dealing with a professional Mistress, then NO.  But if you're in a relationship, you can always have your gf/wife treat you like a Mistress, when things HEAT up.  Or she should at least know that these things turn you ON, and would automatically assume a "role" of a mistress.  

    I know where you're coming from, wish my wife would do that too.  But be patient, and communicate your likes, etc with your gf.  

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