
If I become martial arts teacher do you think I can end up in Japan?

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I live in US and am military brat

but my benefits will expire to do military hop to Tokyo..I wish to go and see friend

how do I do?




  1. The DoD and the military control whether you can get on the flight to Japan. You would need to speak fluent Japanese likely to become an instructor in Japan. Likewise, you would need the appropriate martial arts training and rank.

  2. Hi Yuri,

    I am not totally sure what your question is. Do you want to be a teacher in Japan? Or just visit Japan? Or are you thinking of the benefits of being a martial arts teacher? The clearer the question the better the response.

    But I will take a stab at it...

    You can come over here on any number of excuses/reasons/visas.

    If you just want to visit, a tourist visa would be sufficient. All you need is money for the flight. Unless you are a DoD brat but not an American citizen/national (one possible example: your Mom or Dad is Korean and you are Korean American but with only a Korean passport...).

    You can come out for work (usually an English teacher, but you need a degree to get a job) and get a work visa before you come or once you arrive.

    You could come out on a student visa or on a cultural visa. And so on. You would be wise to go to a consulate/embassy to ask about what your personal options are.

    There are LOTS of martial arts teachers here. And there are not many that would want to learn from non-Japanese. Besides the language challenges and cultural challenges (not just for talking to students, but what happens in an emergency in the dojo?), half of the arts that draw enough people to teach a class are Japanese arts and there is still a bias towards that.

    If you want to study some martial arts, there is a lot available.

    Good luck!

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