I bought a car yesterday and was told by the dealership that the other vehicle that I own which I still owe about 19000 on could be taken back to the bank and it would be a voluntary repo. They told me that since I was so deep in debt on this vehicle that if it went to court, that the judge would not side with the bank because the vehicle wasn't worth what it was sold to me for. They took the negative equity from a previous car and added it on the that vehicle..so they said it would be better to get another auto loan for a car, and let my other vehicle go back to the bank..said if it went to court the judge would not side with the bank because they shouldn't have given a loan for that much on something that wasn't worth that..Anyone have any suggestions? I would like to know if my wages could get garnished if I take my other vehicle back, and would like to know if I can take this new vehicle back within a certain amount of time...