
If I bought a lamp from Target, and returned just the pieces...?

by  |  earlier

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If I bought a lamp from Target, and returned just the pieces can i get my money back...?




  1. I have worked for Target for 4 years now and people try to return items in all sorts of conditions. Whether they are accepted or not really depends on two things, (1) The temperment of the manager on duty, and (2) How much you raise a fuss. No joke, if you go in there and say what a piece of low-quality c**p that lamp was and how you can't believe how fragile it was, you may just get your money back. You have to be forcefull & a little pissy. Dont get loud or cuss... cuz thet'll get you shut down real quick. Just be a real polite, aggressive B*TCH.  

  2. you can try and hope they dont look in the box. if not no!

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