
If I bought about 8 4" goldfish and put them into a large pond would they breed quickly?(couple days to weeks)

by  |  earlier

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Or is it to late in the season?




  1. Not likely.  They normally breed in the spring after a cold period.  The cold and then warming up sets off the urge to mate.


  2. ive had mine in ponds years witout any luck mate sorry i cant answer

  3. That depends.  Are you sure you have males and females?  Goldfish can and do breed at all times of the year.

    4" doesn't really mean they are 3 years of age or older.  Goldfish don't mature until around 3 years and won't reproduce until then.  Size doesn't matter.

    Chances are come spring you will find a number of babies when ice is off the pond.  (Be careful when cleaning)

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