
If I brought a fake transcript to the student visa interview ? what would happen? will they find out ? honestl

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last time i came there they asked me to show them my transcript i showed them the real one but it wasnt sigurted or stamped, and they believed it well it was a copy of the real one tho what about this if i brought a fake one without a stamped or sigture they will never find out riiiiiiiiiight ? its not like they goin to school here and ask them about it right?




  1. You will almost certainly be found out because they DO check with schools.

    You will likely be "detained" (that is, thrown in jail awaiting hearings.

    You will likely be deported.

    You will likely never be allowed into the country again.

    You may find that news of your expulsion will somehow affect future education and employment in your home country.

    BOTTOM LINE:  Don't lie.

  2. Why would you even think of doing something dishonest, if they find out, or not is not the real question, It is will you repeat this little charade every time you feel you must for the rest of your life?

  3. School records are faxed to the schools for verification.

  4. An official transcript is required at the interview. That means:

    - - It has to be signed by an officer of the academic institution that issued the paper

    - - It must carry an embossed seal for that institution

    - - It must carry all the relevant information for the student (you) while taking courses at that institution.

    - - A name, telephone and fax numbers, and a mailing address are required to be on the document as well.

    As a ballpark estimate - about 75 percent of transcripts are checked (at least to find out if the individual was registered as a student or not during the time period covered by the transcript - and, incidentally, whether the institution itself exists).

    If the submitted transcript is not official (i.e. doesn't meet the criteria listed above), the application is thrown out.

  5. As you have already been denied a visa, any future visa applications will be met with even greater scrutiny.  If you are truly serious about going to school in the US, you would be wise to consider attending school again in your own country and studying very hard, for at least a year, to show that you are a serious student.  Then you will have a legitimate transcript to take to the interview.

  6. You want to start again based on lies?

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