
If I built a small fence round the top of my head and filled it with earth ?

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what kind of small flowers could I grow? (May- September.)




  1. I would go for the the petunias preferable in hot pink and purple. Just make sure you deadhead them or the flowers won't grow very pretty.

  2. no flowers, mushrooms should do well though

  3. DUMB FLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. That is one of the funniest posts I have seen on here!

    A subtle sense of humor, and a good one!!!

    Go for Wild Flowers!!!!!

  5. You can grow anything you like its probably just a beauty spot

  6. depends on a couple of things,

    how big your head is

    how tall the fence is

    what your favorite color is

    how much you shower

    how much you tilt your head

  7. pansies?

  8. Hey if you were willing to plant in September and wait until April to June in 2009 you could have a lovely crop of Asparagus.

    Then you could extend your small-holding to include a tiny farm shop and sell to any eager passer-by.

    With the profits you may want to think about doubling the size of your farm and perhaps start supplying one of the major supermarket chains. Just as long as its not Tesco's coz they'll probably steal your idea.

    Toodle Pip.

  9. ahahahahahah dunno coz I've never tried  LOL

    I think if u grow tundra species (which have small and fragile roots, so u wouldn't need a wise fence) it depends on how often would u water them.

    Other than flowers, pairsley would do the job. It doesen't need too much space or water to grow

    ps: loved ur question...the funniest one I've read 'till now xDD

  10. Cute Q. TY for the chuckle. I have to agree with WILD flowers, as abstract as the notion is. You might even try plants that don't flower, such as varieties of Pothos. They trail and could become a cape, or blanket, or other garment, beyond the fact that they could resemble some Salvador Dali "hair"

  11. Is our name dug.

  12. I would just take the seeds out of a chia pet kit, that should do a fine job.

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