
If I buy a book online, will *this* appear on the debit card statement?

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I run a small grassroots organization that sends excess *materials* to people who cannot afford them. One person has particularly inspired me, though, and I would like to do something special to them.

There's a book that he wants, and I would like to buy it for him and send it to him overseas. My parents have had no issues with me sending things to people before, but they might question why I'm sending something overseas since my orginization is based around USA-centered events.

In any event, say I bought the book and sent it to him. WIll our debit card statement (Chase Bank) say anything other than what the total cost was and where I bought the book from? Will there be any indication that I used international shipping?





  1. No.  The debit card will list the vendor name and location.  The destination of the product will not be listed.

  2. wtf dude i dont get it are u selling them crack or something?

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