
If I buy a disposable 1000 speed camera, can I take the film out to use in a different camera?

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I'm wanting to use it in a better camera. I was wondering if there was a way to do that without damaging the film itself?




  1. You won't know until you open it, but I suspect the answer is no.  Even if you can get the film out without exposing it to light and ruining it, there is a very good chance it will not be in a canister that fits into your camera.  If it is something you want to be able to do over and over, you might open one up just to find out, but I think you'll be disappointed.  Sorry I don't have a more positive answer for you.

  2. No you can not.  

  3. It shouldn't be a problem, unless the film is in an unmarked cassette. This can be  problem because most modern cameras use the DX code on the film cassette to determine film speed. Obviously, you must use the film in a 35mm camera.

    Why not just buy 800 speed film? It would be cheaper, and you wouldn't have to buy the disposable part of the camera for nothing.

    I didn't actually find any ISO 1000 film made by Fuji, so I suspect they are push processing their 800 film.

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