
If I buy something from wall mart in america would I be able to exchange it in ASDA in the uk if something...?

by Guest67164  |  earlier

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goes wrong, I only asked because I know Wall mart and america are the same company but I dont know about the products, ps It is a ps3 I plan to buy from wall mart america




  1. I very much doubt it.

    Different countries have different laws about returning electrical goods. In the UK, you have a 1 year guarantee.

    Also, an American version of a PS3 can't be resold in the UK- it'll have a different plug, will play different versions of games and will take a different voltage.

    Also, Asda and Walmart, although owned by the same corporation, are still two separate companies, even within the same company it's unlikely one would accept the other's returns.

  2. i dont think you could. they are kinda different companies but it would do no bother asking at the checkout when you buy.

  3. I seriously doubt it.  If you read the warranty information on anything bought in an AmeriKan Wal-Mart it usually says something about only applying in the U.S.

  4. Not a chance. ASDA dont have the same products as WALMART have. And also you need the recipt for which it will have the logo ""WALMART" and they only take "ASDA"

  5. Most likely not going to happen.  They are the same product and the same parent company but the return/exchange policy is going to be different.

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