
If I can't see you, you can't see me. Does this work with god? I can't see him so can he not see me?

by  |  earlier

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in this case it is with eyes open not shut




  1. God is a little like Santa.  He sees us all the time, and even more, He sees within us and knows where it is all coming from.  You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool God!

  2. There are two reasons by which you can not see me; either you are blind or you have closed your eyes. God can see us but we can not see him. When we prove to be eligible to live with him, we will be able to see him. You can not meet the creator of this mysterious universe that easily. It needs hard efforts from your part; only if you want it.

  3. If I can't see you and you can't see me we can't see each other and that goes for god and satan as well.they don't see each other we don't see them and they don't see us .can you see what I mean?

  4. This only applies if you are a Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.

  5. Good question.  

    I'm reminded of a little boy I used to take care of... he would close his eyes as tight as he could and say "you can't see me", which of course I could.  Sooooo, God's kinda like that, no matter how hard we try to shut our eyes and tell Him "You can't see me", He actually can.

  6. Hellooo...

    I'm afraid to tell you this, but turn back and --

    TADaaaa !

    He's right there behind your back, watching over you and everything that you're typing/reading right now...


    N.b: He's everywhere, anywhere, at anytime  !  

  7. no at all  

  8. Yes he can't see u nor me

  9. what u on about, thats like an ostrich burying its head in the sand?

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