
If I can rollerskate, does that mean I can iceskate too?

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I can rollerskate, but I never ice skated. Is it the same but some getting used to?

And how long do you think it'll take to be able to skate?




  1. yes because roller skating is what got me into figure skating

  2. I personally think rollerskating and ice skating are very different. I can ice skate very well, but I can not rollerblade. There are skills that are similar, but there are things that take some learning and getting used to. It shouldn't take to long for you to learn how to do basic things on the ice, though depending on your goals it will depend on your time frame of how long it will take you to learn those things.

  3. i think they are totally different. i used to go roller blading for fun and i was really good at it. then i started figure skating and ive been doing it for almost 3 years and about 7 months ago, i went roller blading again and i couldnt roller blade to save my life. figure skates have thin blades and they have a toe pick. it is also easy to spin and stuff but the wheels on roller blades cant turn like that. i think figure skating is easier but thats just cuz im really good at it

  4. Not nesscarily. ICe skating requires a lot more balance and coordination. They can be a like in some ways. It'll take time to get used to because it is not the same. For me when I tried inline skating it was a lot different. If you are going to start taking ice skating lessons it doesn't take very long to learn how to skate. If you don't take lessons it'll take longer but the whole concept  is rollerskating and iceskating are not similar

  5. no it doesnt because you are on pavement when your rollerskating and when your iceskating you are on a slippery surface with skates. i woudl say its harded to iceskating then rollerskating anf i dont think it will take that long but it depens on how much you practice i had a friend who couldnt skate and she was holding on to me so i just let her first feel the way the ice feels riding on it and then i let go of her but she was close to the edge so to stop herself from falling she held on to the edge but if you never try you wont know.

    hope i help have fun skating. =)

  6. yes but that doesn't meen you can jump or things like that you can stay on the skates and skate a little bit but rollerskate doesn't compare with iceskating

  7. As a youngster I did both ice and roller skating,switching totally to ice figure skating at age 21, so I know how it is to do the 2 types of skating in the same week - for years.  Since you know how to roller skate, you probably have a little bit of leg strength built up plus a  good sense of balance.These things will help you in ice skating. The other poster mentioned that the basic movements are the same between ice and roller. I would say that the gross or bigger movements are very similar but the smaller details of the movements of ice and roller are a little bit different.  You will know what I mean once you get on the ice. I do not think that ice skating is more difficult as some people have said here. If you have the proper equipment (skates with support and blades that have good edges), I actually think that ice skating is easier. It always seemed less cumbersome and less clunky to me than roller.

    Go ice skating and see what it is like!!!! You'll be fine. Just watch out for the toe picks at first. And remember, don't judge your ability to ice skate by using the rental skates because they sometimes do not have good edges on the blades nor support in the boots.

  8. its wayyy different. i can rollerblade and i SUCK at ice skating

  9. rollerBLADING helps, but it's totally different.  i can rollerskate really well, but ice is different than concrete or a rink floor.  practice.  that's all i can tell you.  it's easier than if you had NEVER rollerskated before.

  10. You'll be able to do basic skating the first time you try ice skates, and will be better off than someone who has never done either one.

  11. it doesn't mean you can do it straight away but you are more likely to be able to get the hang of it quicker. i takes a matter of minutes when you first go to be able to skate without holding on. you now what they say pratice makes prefect. it's a lot of fun when you get the hang of it

  12. Ice skating requires more balance, but the basic motions are the same.  If you are used to rollerskating with skates that have a stopper on front and pushing off from your front toes then try figure skates.  If you are used to using the inside edges of your skates to propel yourself try hockey skates which do not have a toe pick.  Ice skating puts more pressure on your ankles also.  Have fun!

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