
If I consume a pint of vodka within 4 hours is that considered binge drinking?

by  |  earlier

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I like to drink on Friday evenings. I usually mix vodka (80 proof) with a non-alcoholic beverage and finish it within 4 hours and tend to get pretty drunk...




  1. No it's not !i

  2. Uh, yeah thats a lot..  

  3. No, it's considered stupid.

  4. Sure is...and will lead to alcoholism if you arent careful.  

  5. a PINT of vodka!? yeh i think that would be considered binge drinking lol

  6. yeah it's binge drinking. if you go from sober to drunk , that's considered binge drinking. if you drink slow enough to feel yourself going from sober, to buzzed, to a strong buzz to drunk, then that's not binge drinking.

  7. yes it is

  8. no. 1 hour would be binge drinking

  9. aaahhhh, I guess it depends on who you are and your body weight. If you did it every night then YES!!

    1pint is what....10 shots, that's kinda a lot in 4 hours.

  10. Everyone’s different so you’re going to get a variety of responses based on personal consumption.  In my books you’re a light weight.

  11. For a typical adult, this pattern corresponds to consuming 8 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours.[citation needed]

    They [who?] note, however, that "in common usage, binge drinking is now usually used to refer to heavy drinking over an evening or similar time span - sometimes also referred to as heavy episodic drinking. Binge drinking is often associated with drinking with the intention of becoming intoxicated and, sometimes, with drinking in large groups."[1] It is sometimes associated with physical or social harm.

    Heres a definition. You decide.

  12. h**l no its considered one h**l of a PARTY

  13. Yes that would be considered binge drinking

    One difficulty faced by the DoH, researchers and others in the broader alcohol field is the lack of consensus on

    the definition of the term ‘binge drinking’. A 1997 report for the US based International Center for Alcohol Policies

    3 (ICAP) points to the lack of formal definitions both at international level and amongst studies undertaken within

    individual countries. Two recent publications define ‘binge drinking’ as ‘ten or more drinks in one session’ 4 (based

    on one drink as a standardised unit of 7.9g of ethanol) or alternatively drinking over half the recommended

    number of units for a week in one session, (based on previous Government guidelines) i.e. ten units for men and

    seven units for women 5. Neither of these publications provides a rationale for their stated definition and a review

    of the literature on this subject indicates that researchers tend to employ the most commonly used definition from

    previous works without giving an accompanying explanation

  14. Umm...yeah! Your blood is more alcohol than water at that point!

  15. Not in my book.

  16. no.  where should we meet to start the festivities tonight? we can pre-game, and then shoot over to a bar to pick up women.. hit me up.  

  17. No.

  18. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. It's only binge drinking if it's periodic.  Try doing it every day!

  20. On February 5, 2004, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

    (NIAAA) National Advisory Council approved the following definition/statement:

    A “binge” is a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol

    concentration (BAC) to 0.08 gram percent or above. For the typical adult,

    this pattern corresponds to consuming 5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more

    drinks (female), in about 2 hours. Binge drinking is clearly dangerous for the

    drinker and for society.

    ! In the above definition, a “drink” refers to half an ounce of alcohol (e.g., one

    12-oz. Beer, one 5-oz. glass of wine, or one 1.5-oz. Shot of distilled spirits).

    ! Binge drinking is distinct from “risky” drinking (reaching a peak BAC

    between .05 gram percent and .08 gram percent) and a “bender” (2 or more

    days of sustained heavy drinking).

    ! For some individuals (e.g., older people or people taking other drugs or

    certain medications), the number of drinks needed to reach a binge level

    BAC is lower than for the “typical adult”.

    ! People with risk factors for the development of alcoholism have increased

    risk with any level of alcohol consumption, even that below a “risky” level.

    ! For pregnant women, any drinking presents risk to the fetus.

    ! Drinking by persons under the age of 21 is illegal.


    NIAAA Newsletter

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