
If I convert my traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2010, do I pay state tax in addition to federal or only fed?

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I live in NY city and am not sure if I have to pay NY city and state taxes when I do the conversion to Roth as well as federal taxes. Thank you!!




  1. The amount withdrawan form Trad IRA is taxable income for both federal and state tax returns.

    Read about Trad IRA and Roth IRA

  2. Depends on the state.

  3. That's odd.  From a quick browse of the 2007 NY state tax instructions, you ended up paying state income tax on IRA contributions, but can only deduct up to $20,000 annually of IRA distributions.  So I would try to avoid converting more than $20,000 per year to the Roth.

    Although, the feds will allow you to spread tax for a 2010 conversion over 2011 and 2012.

    I am gradually converting IRA to Roth IRA at about $10,000/yr to avoid bumping my tax bracket (offset by 401k contributions), with fed tax covered by W-4 withholding adjustment.  I was pleasantly surprised that IL does not tax IRA distributions, so no state tax for conversions (and no state tax for traditional IRA contributions either).

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