
If I could afford a much needed 2 week vacation, where would you suggest I go? What's your dream location?

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If I could afford a much needed 2 week vacation, where would you suggest I go? What's your dream location?




  1. it depends on your interests. if you want a variety I would say a cruise. certain cruises go to all vriety of places

    my dream vacation? any where far away from my family, but especially across the seas in Europe or Asia. how i would love to see the Great Wall

  2. Go to northern area of Pakistan or Kashmir its heaven on earth, i wold like to spend my whole life there not just few weeks.

    HSU ! you are my fav questioner, where u gt ideas to ask nice questions

  3. Go to Africa for a photo safari.

  4. The vaca I would want...very cliche, but I don't care....a white, deserted, vast, sunny, hot beach with lots of books, good sound system if I needed a break from the sea gulls and the crashing waves(not likely), many bottles of wine, a **** ton of fresh fruit (and chocolate for my friend), a little hut with bamboo all around, and a camera.  Lovely. Serene. s**y. Life.

  5. This really depends on where you live. Here are my top suggestons, according to your approximate location (I will only include the most probable):

    If you live...

    On the East Coast of the US:


    Why Go?: Pink sand beaches (the colour comes from the local coral), crystal clear turqoise waters, semi-tropical climate, and proximity to the Eastern US seaboard.

    What's There?: Bermuda is a laid back island and  British protectorate. There's little traffic and few crowds (except at the cruise ship ports of Hamilton and St. Georges), nearly all of the buildings are white-roofed and painted in pastels. The entire island is friendly, civil, and not too expensive, and everyone and everything exudes relaxation. You'll find some great beaches and great history, and the hotels have a perfect, down home feel (I always stay at the Hamilton Princess, for its proximity to "downtown" Hamilton, as well as its excellent service, reputation, cleanliness, amenities, and staff...The Southampton Princess, located just across the Bay, is a true resort and golfer's paradise, with private beach).

    What's Missing?: The intense, party-centered, sometimes frenetic night club vibe of the Caribbean islands; an easy to find black market (although there are parts of Hamilton you might visit, should you desire something "not on the legal menu," but they are dangerous, small in area--sometimes only a single block, and quite well hidden).

    Don't Miss!: The world headquarters of Bacardi rum; the stockade at St. Georges; the craft shoppes in Hamilton (especially the "Reject China Shoppe"); Blue Grotto and its dolphins; moped and scooter rentals; the Island-wide Cricket Tourney and Reggae/Soca Fest (the whole island shuts down for this, except the bars, of course!); the really nice guy who stands out in the street and says a cheery, warm "hullo!" to everyone who happens by; the "Bobby Cage"; Gibbs Lighthouse; and the "Smallest Drawbridge in the World"

    On the West Coast of the US...

    Come on...You live on the f'ing WEST COAST! You don't need to go anywhere for a vacation...You LIVE one!

    In Europe...

    MOROCCO. And a day trip to Tangiers doesn't count. I lived in Fes, the intellectual, cultural, and artistic capital of Morocco. IT. IS. BEAUTIFUL. Just north is (Chef)Chouen, where the freaking BUILDINGS (nevermind the water) are painted turquoise and cobalt blue, the hash is cheap and fantastic, and the mountains are incredible. Then there is Marrakech, with it's ancient (but very touristy) market,  but it's also not far from Les Cascades D'Ouzoud, which are the most beautiful and welcoming waterfalls and natural area this side of the Amazon Basin.

    Panama, in Central America (obviously), is another fantastic spot. The people there, especially around the canal zone, are SUPER friendly to Americans (in fact, most of them can remember and truly, deeply, genuinely miss the days when the US owned the canal, and will welcome you openly and with vigor...if you are American). Even though they are an independent nation, they use the US dollar (which is a 1 to 1 equivalent with the native "Balboa" currency). EVERYTHING is cheap. You have the rainforests nearby, the two largest oceans on Earth (Atlantic and Pacific) to your north and south, and two continents (North and South America) to your west and east. AND THE CANAL! There is no substitute for seeing the great, hulking, Panamax ships traversing probably the most important crossroads of the world. There is culture, nightlife, shopping, hotties (men and women), and--if you're into this sort of thing--any, and I mean ANY, pleasure you can imagine. The white is ludicrously cheap, so is the sensimilla, and the coffee is mindblowing. Great places to stay are the Marriott Panama City and (for more seclusion) the Gamboa Rainforest Lodge.

    Hope this helps...I can rattle off many more places, no matter where in the world you are, and no matter what your budget is. I'm not a travel agent, just a guy who loves to travel. Get in touch with me ( out the NOSPAM if you are a real person) if you are considering any of these places or would like info on others. I have been traveling the world for 30 years, and can give you information, contacts, transportation, tips, and more for just about every location imaginable. My "services" are free...I just like people experiencing great places and friends.

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