
If I could provide you with Immortality, would you want it?

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Back in the 1980s a number of people in my profession embarked upon a goal of downloading the human brain into a synthetic brain that would emulate (with a few enhancements) the human brain. Our premise was to provide periodic backups to offer recent replacements should an accident happen or if the body became too old to function properly.

Now, if I could provide you with a body identical to, or better than your current one, with all emotions & memory unaltered, WOULD YOU GO FOR IT? Computers are evolving as humans did.




  1. probably not...... life is a learning experience and I know of people who at the age of 90 are tired of living.

    at the age of 400 I'd be probably be SICK and TIRED of it all.

  2. No when its time I want to go with my creator

  3. As long as I could opt out at anytime, sure.

  4. NO NO NO

    Life can be so painful and difficult- I wouldnt want the never ending loss of loved ones and friends that were not immortal.  

    Also- for those of us that believe in a higher power- I dont want to miss out on what is to come after this life!

  5. I'd say let's get started Ed, before it's too late!

    This one is already falling apart...

    I bet it will cost a fortune though.

    That is, unless you let me pay for it with a low down payment, and reasonable monthly payments, say for eternity!!!

    HeHeHe   :-)

  6. Sure.

    It certainly sounds feasible.

  7. h**l yes.  Highlander was a miserable s0d.  

    Living forever?  Bring it on....

  8. Well, that wouldn't be immortality for me would it?  My brain would still die, my body would decay- while the electronic version might live on- that isn't really me.  It would be as a painting, sure it might look like me; but would be a reflection.

    And that is just the physical; I don't really want my consciousness living forever, regardless of form.

    Besides, as an IT guy, I know that tech becomes obsolete very quickly.

  9. I don't think I would, partly because, yes, people get tired of life, and wouldn't life lose a lot of its meaning if you were immortal? It wouldn't be the same life that you have now with the knowledge that you would never die.

    But also this question touches on another interesting philosophical question of what defines the 'self'.  Are you really the same person if it just your knowledge and personal thought processes that continue to exist in a different body? If you believed in a soul you would immediately be foiled, but even if you didn't, most aetheists like myself find it hard to escape the notion that there is some special sense of self that exists apart from my pure physicality.

    So no, I wouldn't go for it.

    Also, just out of curiousity what is your profession? I've seen how this kind of thing ends in sci fi films....

  10. Your far far too late with that , I already have it. Sold my soul to the Devil years ago, and he promised  me eternal life.

  11. Jesus promised eternal life. I believe and trust  in Him.    Do you?   It is so good to be saved.

    John 3:16   KJV

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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