
If I couldn't become a pilot, what could I do?

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I want to become an airline pilot.

If i couldn't become a pilot for some reason or other, what should I do?

If I couldn't become an pilot I would like to become someone who designs airplanes. What degree would I need for that?

Any additional information would be helpful!

Thanks for your help.




  1. Get a private pilot's license and do well in school.  Go to college and get a degree in the science of aerospace engineering.  You will be able to fly in you spare time and have an aviation related career.  You can get jobs working for aircraft manufacturers or the government.  Who knows, maybe you will design something great and someone will buy your design for a large sum of money.  It would be thrilling to say that you designed the plane that is flying over your house.

    As for your pilot career, if you wan't it enough and work hard for it you WILL be flying the next plane that goes over your house...GOOD LUCK!

  2. Or you can become an Aircraft Dispatcher =)

  3. To design aircraft you need to have a bachelors degree in aeronautical engineering from an accredited 4 year university. Take classes like physics and calculus. Math and science are what they are looking for if you want to get hired to fly or build airplanes.

  4. become a flight attendant, but you have to be a woman, or a g*y man

  5. be a bum and travel the world.

  6. Study Aerospace Engineering - there are degree programs upto Masters.

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