
If I crochet a motif from another pattern into somthing else like a poncho to a dress can i share my pattern?

by  |  earlier

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I want to use the daisy motif from this: and make a dress out of it. if i wanted to post the pattern online would that be infringement




  1. I would say no.  Somebody owns the copyright to that pattern and instructions.  Taking the pattern and making something more out of it for yourself would be fine - but wouldn't make it yours to share.  You could share your pattern in part but give credit to the square - like "I used the square from . . . " without reproducing it and without infringing on the rights of the owners of the pattern.

  2. What do you mean by "share" it?

    If you have taken two separate patterns and put them together to form a new pattern, you have created something individual.  

    However, you can't take a pattern, make it and then sell it.  It's a copyright infringement.

    Is that what you mean by share?

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