It happens every so often, and I have no logical explanation why. Other than, I do take drugs for my asthma condition, and maybe sometimes when i get off of them they could s***w me up.
Other than that I have no idea.
I just get in this really weird mood, and I don't know, and it's weird because I'm a guy, and I'm usually SOOOOO put together and monotone, and just nothing gets to me. I'm like ben stein.
I don't understand when these little mini breakdowns occur what's going on.
Especially when I'm on the highway. It's embarassing, it's like I start crying and going crazy, and tears are rolling down my face, I turn red, my face starts making these weird crying looks, and it looks like a complete disaster.
Think Britney Spears or Kirstie Alley breakdown.
I can't fight them off either, it just comes out and comes and comes and comes and comes. I don't understand why.
I think what set me off was, just I dunno little thigns do it.
Like listening to a song that reminds me of my high school girlfriend, who's gone now, or watching some old lady struggle to get to her wheelchair, and then imagining how happy and mobile and young she probably was once.
I do'nt know.
What the h**l is wrong with me?
I don't like being like this.
I'm WAY too sensitive to things which don't usually phase me.