
If I damage my car by reversing into an obstruction on roadway, can I claim cost of repair from council?

by  |  earlier

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Such a blinkered response from MOST, of you, my thanks to those of you who have donated their ideas without prejudice




  1. i hope not...council tax is high enough without subsidising errant reversing manoevours.......shoulda gon to specsavers!

  2. I would say no as you should check behind you before reversing. If that had been a child in the kerb it would of been you giving the compensation.

  3. depends on what the obstruction was and if it had a level of visibility such as bright yellow with a flashing light or something..

  4. If it was improperly  placed in a bad state of repair or not properly lit possibly. However they may take the view even then that you needed to take more care and refuse any claim.

  5. In theory yes - but bear in mind that obstruction could have been a pedestrian stepping out into the road - so therefore you are at fault. I doubt your defence of it being actually being in the road would wash, to be honest!

  6. as you reversed into the object probably not - they will claim its your own fault.

  7. Well, you're not exactly being terribly informative, are you? Or do you just have a problem with the fact that people aren't supporting you, I wonder?

    I would have said no, basically. If you had just got into your car, then you should have seen it before you got in. If you were trying to park or something, then you should have seen it when you assessed the parking space.

    The only circumstance in which I might think differently is if it was something like a large pothole that was invisible because it was covered up by a puddle.

    Even then, if you can't see something is safe, then don't do it. If you couldn't see whether it was safe to reverse, then  why did you? If you damaged your car by reversing into another car, then whose fault would it be? Take a bit of responsibility for your life.

  8. If it's big enough to damage your car, then I would suggest it's big enough to be seen.

      If I were you I would say nothing and just get your car repaired, as if the thing you hit was damaged (you didn't say what it was), it may well be the council will claim from you, and from what you have said they will turn out the winners.

    As for the 'blinkered response'. Did you expect everyone to say "Ahhhh! you should get the money off the council"

    I have to agree with several answerers.Had it been a person or an animal.....................?

  9. You dont really give enough details for me to give a full answer....depends what the obstruction was...if it was something which should not have been there, such as a mound of earth from roadworks and it was unlit or unsigned then yes  you may have a claim...of course if the obstruction was clearly signed and should have been visible and it was only your careless reversing which caused the collision then may have been a good idea to take a photo of the obstruction, or if it is still there...get one now.

  10. I would say not, I think, in law, it's your responsibility to check behind your vehicle to see if it's safe and clear.

  11. No you cannot sorry.....

  12. No you can not, I'm sure the obstruction was there for a good reason as it was done by the council, it will be put on bad driving because you should checked before reversing.

  13. You have my sympathy as my council carries out some peculiar alterations to our highways for example they cut down a tree on the corner of our road after lots of complaints because it restricted the views to the left then altered the road juction by building bits which stick out into the main road.This allows cars to park right up to the edge of the juntion,so now the tree needent have been cut down and we have an even greater problem seeing past the parked cars.I sometimes think that the highways dept don't always use the sharpest pencil in the box!

  14. no you need to learn to reverse properly what if it had to be a child would you like to sue the parents for letting the child out to play

  15. its a difficult one, if the obstruction was put there after you parked then probably you could argue that;

    1. the obstruction wasnt there in the first place and that you didnt realise you have to check all around the road prior to moving your vehicle.

    2. the obstruction was low on the ground and you couldnt see if from your seated position in the car.

    or if it were there when you first parked your car, and then went on the reverse into the obstruction again you could say that it was not visible hense claim

    speak to your insurance if this has happened im sure they would give you advice

  16. Only if you can prove negligence by the council.

    Or if the obstruction drove into you.

  17. a man insured his cigars against fire. he smoked them and claim against his insurance and won his case. but then the insurance took him to court for arson .he`s now doin time

    think first before you do anything

  18. not unless the obstruction grew arms and legs and walked over and beat up your car!!!!!

  19. If You Run Into Or Back Into Or Run Over Any Non Moving Object While You Are Operating Your Vehicle (Meaning It Is Moving).It Is Your Fault. Due To Wreck less Driving And Negligent Driving.On The Road Driving Or Off The Road Your Are Deemed And Asked By The Police And Majority Of The "John Q Tax Payer" Public. To Be A Cautious,Aware ,And Knowledgeable Driver At All Times

  20. Probably not, as you were the one moving.

  21. sorry but it's a big fat NO!

      colision with street furniture= driving without due care and attention you'd more than likely end up paying for damage to public property, I wont tell if you don't ;)

  22. I did the same thing my self! and the council sued me for their damage! you cant fight city hall!

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