
If I decided to cure Humanity of Loneliness...?

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Would you suggest I teach a striving for perfection, or that I teach a love for the imperfect paradise?

Also: How much should I charge for my cure?




  1. Teach that doing what you love sincerely and with conviction is what engenders the adulation of those around you.  This is the way to evade loneliness.  The service, however, is worthless in terms of monetary value.

    You would merely be leading by example.

  2. How can one cure loneliness when loneliness is the best company loneliness thinks it has?


    A traveler's glimpse into paradise -

    "There is nothing more miserable in the world than to arrive in paradise and look like your passport photo."

    --Erma Bombeck


    Edit July 28:

    Is there a cure for loneliness?  Possibly not, at least not as long as we are limited & left unaware, by this thing called ego.

    To be clear:

    Humanity would not be any more perfect, any more loving, or any more enthusiastic co-creators of Paradise even if it was offered as a cure or given as a gift.  Humanity is simply not ready to accept what already "is", and what already "is" - in our existence - is all of what you desire to "cure".  

    Therefore, there is no possible cure.  Why?  It is impossible to cure that which does not exist.  

    There is no need to cure loneliness, other than perhaps, to temper the ego's hunger to be lonely.  There is no need to teach striving for perfection for those of us who are already striving to become aware of our own perfection. There is no reason to teach love to all of us who already hold the perfection of love in this collective heart we call Humanity.  

    To offer a cure would be a contradiction.  Suddenly, Humanity would become ill from what we don't suffer.  All of what is life, is a loving, perfect journey to awareness.  Our journey to awareness is a dawning to all that we already are - perfect and paradisical and loving - and this is right here, right now.


    How much to charge?  Why, this much of course:

  3. SUPPOSE EVERYTHING IS ALREADY PERFECT?  What exactly would you be charging a fee for?  

    If everything I need is already a part of my environment, then it is my job to simply choose how to spend my time so that I can enjoy it more.

  4. Perfection does not exist.  The process of growth and life involves change.  Stasis is death, and even in death the body melts away, changes.  

    Love of the imperfect paradise is the better solution.  Learning to hear our own voices both in the midst of the clamor of daily life and in the absence of that clamor is the only solution to loneliness.

    Yesterday, I went into the bathroom to clean.  The task took between 10 and 15 minutes.  Before I had done, my young son came to look for me.  He said he got lonely.  He asked, "Don't you ever get lonely?"  I assured him that I missed his company, but I was not worried about being alone with my own thoughts for more than 15 minutes at a time.

    Perhaps the cure for loneliness is recognizing the difference between being alone and being without the potential for companionship.  It may be part of growing up that many are reluctant to embrace.

    Oh, and for the charge, my mother had a saying that applies here:  "Charge as much as you want, but remember that collecting is a different matter."  If you actually intend to collect your fee, make it "eternal satisfaction with a job well done."

  5. Well at first I thought this was a rather straightforward discussion involving some insights and abstract reasoning, but when I realized you were talking about an opportunity to make money, it immediately changed the perspective, bringing it up an entire level!

    I think you have a good start with the Title- optimistic and confident- the inference that mankind is capable of learning something.  I think you'll need a good two-day minimum, seminar setting- perhaps near Senora or any Hyatt near an airport would suffice. And it is always a good idea to offer continuing education credits and some sort of official certificate of completion signed by several high officials of the sponsoring committee- perhaps the IAWI (The Institute for the Acceptance of What Is).

    Two days may sound a bit excessive, but keep in mind the second day will probably need to be set aside for breaking up into small discussion groups.

    Your "lesson plan" mostly likely will be a function of your "motif". I think you could stay intimate and relational or go big with the whole spiritual ball of string. If you go relational, I would recommend a short video called the "Yips of Love" which poignantly highlights our reluctance to embrace the threat of the imperfect paradise. If you go God/big and spiritual, I would go with what others have aptly pointed out- that perfection abounds! We simply need to reach out- just not with our  ego-hungry loneliness.

    A few good catch phrases are always good for the brochure. Here are just a few suggestions:

    "Low-Carb Your Ego-Hungry Loneliness"

    "Increase you Imperfect Paradise Mileage"

    And certainly mention Waterloo Sunset- probably should be playing in the background or at least during the final ceremony.

    Most importantly whether you go with a striving for perfection or teach a love for the imperfect paradise it ultimately ends up the same way: Learning to Accept What Is.

    I would charge $850 for the seminar or $1995 for a series of three.

    Completion of the series gets you a pin and "layman-teaching" credentials.

  6. Well, you know what they say in AA?  "It's the alcoholic's solution to loneliness: isolate."

    The choice of 'teaching' striving for perfection or love for the imperfect paradise is inconsequential when the 'teacher' considers his mission from above.  I'll bet there are dozens of people within a mile of you right now who are in dire need of love.  Go find one and give it to them.  Any flavor will do, as long as it's free.

  7. As WE are Imperfect Creatures, Our "Paradise" & IT'S Imperfections- are the ONLY kind We could Attain... So teach IT's Love... and do so for Free... -For Unlike American Express, Visa, or Mastercard, -its value is Priceless...  :)

  8. Being an unhappy (and often lonely) perfectionist, I think acceptance of our beautifully imperfect human nature in this beautifully imperfect world is the 'perfect' cure.

    How much to charge? How about a hug.


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